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Next day

The next day at the house was less tense than they thought it would be and the oldest were back for breakfast. It was less tense because all the kids were trying to make their mother better, which worked, and by the end of breakfast everything was like every other day. In the school the rumor that Hayley Marshall went to Miss Aria house and attacked Aiden Lightwood spread like wildfire and everyone was knowing so when the new trio arrived, they noticed the eyes on them and that no one was talking to them.

The classes for Lizzie and Josie were even worse since they and classes with Kai Parker, the honorary brother of Aria Lightwood, and with Silas, honorary father of Aria Lightwood, along with the quadruplets. They stared at them with a lot of hate and rage, but controlled themselves and did nor say anything, just like their mom would want. By the end of the day the three of them had, had enough and went to find out what was going on and the only ones who would talk to them was the people who guided them yesterday. The only ones they found to talk were the boys.

Lizzie: Alright, what is going on? Why are people looking at us like that?

MG: You don't know?

Josie: Know what?

MG: What Hope's mom did?

Hope: My mom? What she did?

Kaleb: It looks like your mom went to Miss Aria last night to "talk" to her, Aiden opened the door and was attacked by your mom, when he didn't let her in, she attacked him.

Hope: What? No that's not possible she was home.

Rafael: Do you remember seeing her after seven?

Hope: No, but-

Kaleb: So, it happened. They wouldn't be talking about it if it didn't happen. They are extremely protective over each other, there is no way that this is a lie, which means your going to have to talk to your mom and we must leave before we became their enemy to death.

The group left, they knew that if they were seen with them, it could cause trouble for them, and they didn't want that. The other three were left shocked by that, they wouldn't be able to make friends if everyone was afraid to even talk to them. They needed to talk to Hayley and sort it out with the Lightwood family so they can have a peaceful life.

In the end of the day when Hope arrived home, Hope went direct to her mom with an anger face which was noticed by everyone and got them worried. When she was in front of her, she started yelling at her.

Hope: Is it truth?

Hayley: What is truth?

Hope: Is it truth that you went to Miss Aria house, cursed at her and attacked her son?

Kol/Klaus: What?

Hayley: How did you know that?

Hope: Everyone knows at the school, and no one wants to be friends with us because they are afraid, some because they think the Lightwoods are going to hate them too and others are afraid that you will attack them.

Elijah: Hayley, you didn't.

Hayley: I went there to talk to her, but that kid didn't let me in.

Kol: You went there at dinner time and thought that because he didn't let you in in their family dinner you could attack a kid. Wow, so wrong.

Davina: You can't possibly think you are right.

Hayley: Why, why can't I be right?

Davina: Because that would mean that you think that attacking a kid, whatever reason it is, is acceptable and that would mean that every person, witch, vampire, or werewolf that attacked Hope when she was younger was right.

Rebekah: That was unacceptable Hayley and way out of line.

Hayley: Okay I was wrong, is that what you want to hear?

Hope: No because is not for me you must apologize for them.

Hayley: So, what do you suggest, that I go there and apologize to them?

Hope: That you invite them here for an apologize dinner since not only they seen to hate what you did but they seen to dislike all of you.

Marcel: That's not so bad of an idea.

Keelin: So, we invite them, Hayley apologizes, and we have a peaceful environment. Sounds good for me.

Freya: I'm going to send them an invite.

Freya left with Keelin to make and send an invite. Hope, still angry, left to her room to do homework and paint. Kol, Davina, Marcel, and Rebekah left to have an afternoon coffee. Elijah also left to someone knows where since he was disappointment with Hayley. Klaus went after Hope to paint with her and calm her down. Hayley was left alone in the living room, which made her anger towards Aria to just grow even more.

At lightwood house

It was late in the afternoon when they received an invite from the Mikaelson family to have a apologize dinner. They reunited in the dinner table to discuss if they should go.

Hades: I saw we go.

Andrew: Me too.

Henry: I saw we don't, is clear that they are doing this because Hope asked.

Andrew: That's why we should go, I doubt she knows what happened.

Proteus: He is right, the truth would hurt her, and she wouldn't be able to look us in the eyes.

Alec: We should go, tell her what happened and that could make them leave if she thought it was too wrong for them to be here.

Helios: It's a perfect plan, we can go.

Aria: Are you all done discussing the invite?

Ares: They are mom.

Aria: Good, because we are going, and we are not telling Hope anything unless is absolute necessary. Understand?

All: Yes mom.

Aria: Good, because now is dinner time, go wash your hands then come back.

All the kids left to their rooms to watch their hands, only Aria and Alexander left there.

Alexander: Are you sure?

Aria: No but is better than to keep the relation with this family like that, we cut, hopefully, cut all the relationship with that family except professional.

Alexander: We can pray for that.

Aria: We are going to be fine, right?

Alexander: Yes we are.

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