Part 2- Carousel

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I hear a car pull into the driveway as I wait with Cooper and Lila for the bus. I see a car way too expensive to be here pulling in the driveway. My brows scrunch in confusion, who knows about this place?
I look back at Cooper and Lila, "have a good day at school"
Lila gives me a hug and I ruffle Cooper's hair before walking over to the car.

The window of the car rolls down and I see an eccentric Mr. Stark staring back at me through a pair of designer sunglasses that are probably worth more than me.
"What are you wearing?" He asks me
I look down at my skirt and blazer set, "clothes?"
This is what they wore in the high school movies I saw. Not that I watched them for any other reason than research purposes...
He shakes his head, "this is why I showed up. I knew I couldn't trust you to be ready yourself"
I scoff at the absolute audacity.

He hops out of the car and hand me an orange box that says 'Nike', a graphic tee, a pair of light blue baggy jeans that say Levi's and a pastel bomber jacket.
"I don't know how you like to dress, but I'll bring you more later. Something will be your style." he tells me as I peer over the box at him.
"Go change, don't want to be late on your first day." He says shooing me back into the house.

I don't have many clothes and I don't really know how I want to dress myself, but this is nice. It's nice to have clothes that are just mine. Hydra just cycled us all through whatever "uniform" they had most recently created for us. It wasn't mine.
I walk back outside and Tony ushers  me into the car before he drives way over the speed limit to midtown high school.

He unbuckles his seat beat and turns to me, "I have some rules, a red line if you will, and you can't cross it"
I unbuckle mine, "I don't think that'll be a problem"

"Rule 1: No friendships that conflict with Peter, nobody that doesn't like him.
Rule 2: no telling anyone, not even Peter, who you really are."
I raise a single brow, "Sounds like a mission."
"I promise it's not, if you can't do it anymore just tell me. I'll literally give you whatever you want to help. Even an island."

"last rule: if you break either of those rules or something goes wrong you will tell me or I will find out and I'll pull you."
I sigh, "I'm by no means stupid, if you haven't noticed."
"I know, I know."
"You're so bossy, anyone ever tell you that?" I say opening the door
"All the time. It's one of my charms."

I roll my eyes, "I'm going in now."
"Y/n, don't forget to go to the principals office first!" He yells before I close the door.

I nod at him through the window and enter the school. Nothing I had seen on tv could've prepared me for this. It's dirtier here than I pictured and the students look younger and meaner. I ignore them and follow little arrows on the wall to the office.

The lady at the desk doesn't even look up at me.
"Eh hem" i 'cough' trying to get her attention.
The lady looks up at me distastefully, "what do you need?"
"I'm new, I'm Y/n Y/l/n"
"Ok?" The lady says, "do you want a schedule or something?"
"That would be helpful I guess" I say annoyance rising in my tone. I thought at least the administration would care.
She prints it out and practically throws it at me, "ok, bye"
"грубый (rude)" I mutter under my breath.
Tony made this seem so much better than it is.
He probably went to some fancy expensive private school.

I walk down the hall and to the right and down another hall before arriving at room 217, home room.
I enter the room and sit down in the second row on the far left because it's the only seat left.

I feel eyes burning into the back of my head almost as soon as I take my seat, and turn to see a girl in all black staring into my soul.
"You forgot to take the tag off of your jacket princess" she says
My hand shoots up to the back of my neck to yank the tag out. "thanks" I say despite the fact that she obviously thinks I'm some kind of elitist.
She sits back in her chair and crosses her arms, "thanks, that's it?"
I shrug, "what else would I say? 'Thanks for judging me'? 'You look like a vampire'?"
The girl narrows her eyes at me and her lips quirk up into a smile, "a vampire?"

Peter's POV

MJ narrows her eyes at the girl and her lips quirk up into a smile, "a vampire?"
I wouldn't say MJ looks like a vampire, goth maybe. Aren't vampires sparkley or something? It doesn't matter anyway, this new girl looks like she wouldn't give us the time of day. This is the last time she'll likely ever waste her breath on us.

Yet I can't help trying to earn some points with her, "I think you're making her uncomfortable, MJ."
The girls eyes dart to me, and something like familiarity glistens in them. "It's fine, I have garlic in my bag if things go wrong." The girl kids.
MJ's posture softens and she chuckles, "I like you"
The girl smiles, "most people do"

I study the girl again, her smile is so bright I feel like the lights don't even need to be on anymore. Her eyes are captivating, they almost don't even seem the same. I've never seen anything like them, but there's something behind them that I can't place. Something more than whatever is pulling me in. Like a siren, except seemingly truly kind.
"What's your name?" I ask her.
"Y/n, how about you?"
She smiles at me, "Nice to meet you"

A/n (I don't speak Russian so I had to use google translate. It just made more sense to me for her first language to be Russian)

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