Part 4- Teeth

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I swing my backpack over my shoulder and make my way to the door.
"Where are you going?" Cooper calls out of the darkness.
"My internship. Why are you sitting around in the dark?"
"Because dad told me not to wake anyone up."
"Don't you have school?"
He shakes his head, "Teachers in service."
I nod along as if I know what that means, "Why are you up?"
"Dad made me get up to do my chores." He answers bitterly.
"You know you can go back to sleep, right?"
"I'm not tired anymore."
I shake my head, "I gotta go, Tony's here to pick me up."


"I swear Mr. Greene has to be the least interesting person alive." MJ mutters.
I sigh, "you obviously haven't met Mrs. Greene."
She raises one brow, "that bad?"
"She's like a dry piece of cornbread." Ned chimes in.
We all laugh.
"Pay attention!" Mr. Greene scolds us.
"To what?" Peter mutters, "We all know what an independent variable is."

MJ discretely pulls out a book and Ned teaches Peter and I how to make origami cranes for the rest of the period. Thank goodness this class is only 40 minutes, I feel like if it were any longer I would simply wither away.

Peter's POV

Mrs. Shanty passes out the gumdrops and toothpicks to each table before returning to the front of the classroom.
"You and your partners will use these to construct a protein. You'll have this class period and our class period tomorrow. If you haven't finished by then, you'll have to come after school to finish its construction. Your partners will be the people at your table." She explains.
An audible grumble spreads across the room.
"This is why I hate assigned seats." The girl in front of me mutters.
"Aren't we too old to be playing with our food?" Another student whines.

I glance at MJ who's sitting next to me and she smiles, she loves watching people in distress.
"As long as we can get Liam to shut up for two seconds we should be golden." I whisper.
"Let me handle that." She whispers back.

I glance over to where Y/n is sitting with Jordan and Nevaeh. She looks back wide eyed and I see her discretely pull out her phone.
After a few seconds, MJ's phone buzzes. She checks it and lets out a small laugh.
"What?" I ask.
"She said: 'I should've taken biology with Ned.'"
'Have fun.' MJ responds, 'you'll be a great addition to my sketch book.'
Y/n shoots her a withering glare and looks back at her phone.
MJ's phone buzzes again, "she said: 'I hope Liam eats your gumdrops and uses your toothpicks to do his stupid walrus thing'"
MJ laughs and holds her middle finger up to Y/n who simply rolls her eyes in response.

Y/n's POV
TW: Violence
Unknown Location
8 years ago

"здесь ничего нет (There's nothing here)." 125 reports to the sergeant.
"посмотри снова (Look again)." He commands, "чего тебе не хватает (what are you missing)?"
125 stares blankly back at him.
He looks over to me, "ты знаешь, что нужно сделать твоему брату (do you know what your brother needs to do)?"
"поиск скрытых отсеков (search for hidden compartments)?" I answer.
The sergeant nods approvingly, "помоги ему посмотреть (Help him look)."

125 goes to the desk and I start searching the frames on the wall for a release.
He pulls a false bottom out of the second drawer on the left and hands documents over to the sergeant.
"хороший (good)." He tells 125.
Jealously that he found it first bubbles up in my chest.
"ты нашел что-нибудь 126 (have you found anything 126)?"
"нет (no)." I say spitefully.
"Почему ты продолжаешь искать (Why do you keep looking)?" He asks.
"Потому что я хочу убедиться, что мы ничего не пропустили (Because I want to make sure we didn't miss anything)."
"Хорошо, тебе стоит поучиться у нее. 125. Никогда не переставай искать, пока не будешь уверен, что получил все (Good, you should learn from her 125. Never stop looking until you're sure you've gotten everything)."

I find a release on the frame and find a small vile of something, but it's in English.
I hand it over to the sergeant, "что это такое (What is it)?"
He looks down at the vile, "мышьяк (Arsenic)."
I go back to search the floor while 125 finishes the desk and computer.
"Когда мы вернемся на базу, вам двоим нужно будет выучить английский (When we get back to base, the two of you need to learn English)." The sergeant remarks.

I pull back the carpet to reveal a drag mark on the floor.
125 helps me find the release on the bookshelf and we see a few man hunched in a small panic room.
125 and I look at the sergeant.
"Вы знаете что делать (You know what to do)." He says
I extract a small knife from my boot and 125 does the same.
"Может быть если мы поторопимся он нас угостит (Maybe if we're quick he'll give us a treat)." 125 speculates.
"Маловероятно, что после выступления вы получите что-либо, кроме порки (Unlikely to get anything other than a lashing after your performance)." I tell 125 over the men's dying screams.
"я могу это компенсировать (I can make up for it)."
" Ты знаешь, Гидра не такая уж всепрощающая (You know Hydra is not that forgiving)."
125 sighs, "Я собираюсь убедиться что мы не оставили других выживших (I'm going to make sure we didn't leave any other survivors).
"я прикрою тебя (I'll cover you)."
The sergeant nods approvingly, "Возможно, пришло время начать обучение обращению с оружием и боеприпасами, ваш рукопашный бой сегодня не оставляет желать лучшего (It may be time to start your guns and ammunition's training, your hand to hand combat hasn't left anything to be desired today)."
"Может быть мы не будем наказаны (Maybe we won't be punished)." I mutter to 125.

Again, I don't speak Russian. I used Google translate

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