First day back

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Pov (Owen)
I opened my eyes and got up looking at (Y.N) as I woke up she still a sleep and there no point in me waking her up. I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen while putting the kettle on I made myself a cup of tea before going back into the bedroom and picking some clothes to wear I chose a black t-shirt with a grey checkard shirt and a pair of black Jeans. I then made myself breakfast before going back into my room and kissing (Y.N) on the fourth head and placing a note and my spare key on the bedside table. "I love you babe see you later" I whispered Into her ear before closing the bedroom door behind me. I then locked up and got in my car. It's freezing cold this morning the car begins to heat up as I drive to work. I'm excited to be back I can't wait to see my friends again and start filming again. About 10 minutes later I park my car and head inside the building signing in and getting my landyard and heading inside to find out everyone been waiting for me they all come running up to me and we have a big hug. "I've missed you all" I say smiling just happy to be back. We then got back into work the camera the scenes my lines. I'm so happy to be back.

Pov (Y.N)
I woke up to the clock reading 10am Jeez I've slept in I think as I look at the time I then notice I note on the side of the table I began to read it

Hi babe good morning you look Gorgeous by the way I though I would let you sleep in I didn't want to deserve you so I just though I would give you the key to the house You can keep it if you want it's the spare key I'm at work now so let yourself out whenever you want I'll see you at 1 for out lunch date love you lots xx

I smiled as I read the note hes so cute. I graded my phone and sent him a message hi babe thanks for the note love you lots just woke up hope you have a great day back at work can't wait see you at 1 xx. I got up and put my grey and pink sports bra on and my matching leggins to match before making my way out of his room and into the kitchen I grabbed some breakfast and then took the key and my bag and headed out of his apartment it was so quite without him there. I then headed over to mine throwing my bag into the back of my car and heading over to my sisters house before making my way to meet Owen at 1 for our lunch date.

Pov (Owen)
I've just gone on lunch break and I head into my car and drive over to Pizza express. I grabbed a table and 2 minutes later (Y.N) walks in. "I'm here babe" I say standing up and smiling. "Hi babe how did it go?" She said smiling at me "It went very well thank you I've enjoyed being back and it's so fun being back on set after almost a month" I said smiling as we both took our seats. "That's good to hear I know the first day back after a while can be a bit strange but I'm glad your having fun" she said with a big grin "So my sleeping beutie how was your sleep?" I asked smiling "Good thank you your beds very comfy and are you sure about me keeping the key" she asks "Yeah it's fine your my girlfriend and I want you to have it" I said with a smile. "Can you put it on my keychain please it's always fiddle" she said smiling "Sure babe" I said as she handed me the key and her keychain I put it on and gave it her back. "I love you" she said smiling "I love you more" I said smiling. We ordered our pizza and talked even more she then stopped "Hey you didn't wear your outfit you told me you would" she said with a smile. "Sorry baby it's a bit to cold to be wearing golden shorts and a top with a Cape" I said smiling back at her. "I'll let you off this time" she said with a smile. "So what your plan for the rest of the day" I asked smiling. "Well I'm going into town to get some Christmas presents" she said watching me. "Well I finish at 6pm so if your still there I will join you" I said smiling "I would love that" she said.

Pov (Y.N)
Lunch is over and Owen needs to go back to work "I love you babe have a safe Journey" I said smiling at him "You to babe let me know when you get into town" he said with a smile. "Will do love you bye" I said as I got into my car. I drove into town and began my Christmas shopping I started by getting cards and then actual gifts and then made my way to get gift wrapping paper and tags as well as stocking up on celetape. While shopping I found some cute decorations to put on my Niece elf and some cute little costumes and then I headed into Starbucks to get myself a caramel flappachino before heading out to do more shopping. While shopping I found this I'm a celbrity candy trial set so I brought it for my niece. While shopping I also Brough some Christmas selection tubes. I looked at my clock to see it was 5.30pm it took me longer than I though I went to the car and dropped the last few bags in and then texted Owen just finished Xmas shopping babe so tired let me know when you've finished work xx I hit send and then made my way home soon as I got in I heard my phone ping hey babe just finished work do you want me to come to yours we can order a Chinese if you want and I can help you wrap the Christmas presents xx Owen wrote I read it and messaged him back trying to get a sneeky peak are you and sure babe that sounds amazing thank you xx I sent only to read two minutes later you can't blame me for trying and alright babe I'll be there soon love you xx I read his message and then wrapped his present while making a start on the wrapping. He came over while I was listening to my Xmas songs while wrapping presents. "Hi babe" he said wrapping his arm aroung me giving me a kiss. We then ordered food and then Owen helped me wrap the rest of the gifts. We finally finished 1 hour later and sat around as I began to organise the presents into bags. Owen laughed "it's only just turned December and your wrapping presents your so orgized" he said smiling at me. "I like to just have it all ready Xmas is stressful enough without adding wrapping to it thank you for helping me" I said with a smile "No problem babe" he said watching me putting the presents into bags.

Pov (Owen)
I can't help but stare she so cute I though to myself and then I saw it a I'm a celbrity Jungle food trial I nearly cried looking at it. "Babe are you trying to make me cry" I said "huh what's wrong?" She said shooting me a confused look "This babe" I said picking it up she began to laugh "Oh have I told you my niece wants to go on got to train them young" she said smiling. I began to laugh "Could of gave me some warning" I said smiling. "Sorry is it bringing back your hunger" she said. "Yes babe it is" I said smiling at her. "But it's also bringing back happy memories like meeting you" I said smiling.

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