Premiere Night

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Pov (Y.N)
It's premiere day and I can't wait Owen ready got his tickets and it's the second offical event we've done this year. "Babe you look perfect" he says as I'm just finishing up my hair for the photos that will be taken "have I ever told you how sexy you look with curl" he says raising his eye brows before coming round and giving me a kiss on my cheek "I can't wait to see you smash this tonight" he says wrapping his arms around me. "I can't wait but I'm also nervous to see how it's came out" I say smiling at him. "Honestly you'll be fine babe" he says "Right how about you go put that amazing dress on" he says "why don't I" I say with a wink before putting my dress on it makes me feel like a princess. When I walked into the room Owen was wearing a beautiful suit. "You Look good in suits you should wear them more often" I say before grabbing his tie and pulling him closer to me before giving him a kiss on the lips. "I love you so much" he says smiling "I love you to" I say before going to put my heels on and just like that our ride has showed up. We got in the taxi and soon as we got to the place it was beautiful I already knew what was happing and how we were going to do this premiere it had been planned months in advance as we walked in the place looked beautiful like a place you would expect to have your wedding day in as I walked in with Owen everyone got there camera out and began to talk photos before I finally got to the poster back drop to stand they had me take one with Owen and then one on my own. We then walked into the cinema screen like place and sat down "I'm so excited babe" he says squeezing my hand as we sit down. "Look at me having a supportive boyfriend" I say smiling. "Look at me having the most gorgeous girlfriend in the world inside and out" he says smiling "That was a little cringe wasn't it" he says laughing "Not at all" I say smiling at him and then they announced that Waterloo road was about to start. I smiled at Owen and then we began to watch the first episode which came out amazing. "I'm so proub of you babe that was awesome" he says smiling "Thank you for coming and watching it" I say smiling back. We then left the premiere and went for a few drinks next door to celebrate the release of waterloo road. "Come on baby let's get you home" Owen says as he notices the tried look in my eyes "Okay babe" I say back as he calls for a taxi. We then say goodnight to my fellow case member and make our way outside to the taxi that will take us back home. When we get out the taxi we are back at Owens I told him it was best if I stayed at his tonight as my roommates wanted to throw a party but I was feeling to tired to even go to one now. When we got in I kissed Owen on the lips

~Sexual Content ~
"Babe come on lets go to the bedroom" I say grabbing his hand "Babe your tried come on we can do it another time" he says smiling "Fine" I say as I walk off to his room and take my top and Jeans off when he walks in his face turns to shock he then smiles "Now baby what did I say" he says in a sexy dominating voice "What did I say I always get my own way" I say as I spread my legs further apart "Your naughty do you know that" he says as he walks over. "I am all for the love of you" I say adding a wink "Come on babe your tried and you need some sleep" he says again smiling. "Okay then" I say giving him a kiss as I feel my eyes start to close.

~ End of Sexual content ~

Pov (Owen)
I go into my wardrobe and pull out one of my hoodies and Gently placed it over (Y.N) while she asleep. I then take my Jeans and top off and carefully get into bed with her before pulling her closer into my arms. It's not long now and she will be back filming Waterloo road but she will be gone for weeks at a time so I guess you can say I'm soaking in every last minute I get to spend with her and I can tell she doing the same with me. Since I met her I just felt a instant connection and a spark and ever since we've been inseparable spending as much time together and seeing eachothers Family. We've been together for about 2 months soon and I still can't believe I found the love of my life in a place I really wasn't expecting it.

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