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~One Year Later ~

Pov (Owen)
It's my wedding morning and all I can thing of is how I'm the luckiest man alive I look at my phone and shoot (Y.N) a text.


Morning earlybird, I love you so much and I can't wait to marry you today I guess I'll see you later xxxxxxxxx

(My everything 💙)
Morning sleepyhead, I can't wait to marry you today I love you to the moon and back I'll see you later xxxxxxxxx

Pov (Y.N)
It's my wedding day and I am beyond happy and a bit nervous I'm thinking of texting Owen when a message come through I smiled as I read it before replying to him.

(Lover boy💕)
Have fun with your bridemaids
I'll see you later babe xxxxxxx

You to babe I'll see you soon can't wait xxxxxxx

Pov (Owen)
I'm feeling so nervous now our family's are all seated waiting and I'm stood waiting for her I can't wait to marry her. The doors begin to open and the wedding music begins to play, I see her beautiful face as she walks towards me in her wedding dress she stop infront of me. "So glad you came" she say which makes me laugh "Why wouldn't I come ?" I ask smiling at her "I don't know" she says which makes me smile. "Owen Do you take (Y.N) (Y.L.N) as your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The vicar asked "I do" I say smiling at her "and (Y.N) Do you take Owen Warner as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" "I do" she says which makes me smile. "I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride" he says which we do.

~wedding reception~
"Speech speech" our family started to shout at us (Y.N) gets up first "From the moment I saw Owen in the Jungle I knew he was the one for me, First off he went star gazing with me and secondly he is the sweetest kindest man you will ever meet and boy did I hit the jack pot with finding you the Jungle brought us together and I'm so grateful for that, I remember asking you do you think we will still be together when we leave the Jungle? And you said yes well you were right and I was stupid to doubt that You make me a better person and I'm so grateful to have you in my life my sleepyhead bear" She says which makes me laugh I stand up "(Y.N) the Jungle was the most amazing experience of my life but what makes it better is I had you by myside through the tough time and through the good your always there cheering me on your my whole world my everything, and I don't know where I would be without you I'm so grateful to have such a smart, beautiful and Kind wife and I'm so glad I found you you bring out the good in me and you make me smile from ear to ear you my earlybird and my bug I love you forever" I say which makes her smile. That's when her bestfriend Emily gets up to make a speech "Before she went to the Jungle she was a single Pringle and looking for a man when she came out she was very much taken and seeing how things turned out, Owen you have made my bestfriend so happy the happiest I've ever seen her, You make her laugh and you always know what to say, When she came home and she couldn't shut up about a man named Owen I already knew who she was on about because I got to watch you two grow and fall in love on TV I'm so glad she found you" Emily says with a smile. Than my bestman Billy gets up to speak "I've known Owen since hollyoaks and never have I heard him talk about a girl as much as he does with (Y.N) I know he loves her and he's always going on about her, I guess you could say it's a proud boyfriend thing Like Emily I also got to watch there love blossom from the comfort of my own home while they were in the Jungle living the life I mean they got a beach day and the RV for a few nights I remember watching them stargaze together and Ant and Dec talking about it on the TV and when I saw Owen face I knew he was in love instantly so (Y.N) thank you for making my brother from another mother the happiest man around" Billy says before sitting down. We make a toast and than I kiss the girl of my dreams as we dance our first dance.

I'm so ready for this new chapter

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