premiere prep

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Pov (Y.N)
I woke up to my phone going off I answered the phone in a groggy voice "Morning babe" I said "Hey baby sorry I woke you up on my way to work and just wanted to speak to you before I started" he said sweetly "Why thank you babe and its alright I was up anyway" I said "You sure about that" he asked while laughing "Yeah" I said back trying to sound convincing. "Babe there is one think I wanted to ask you?" I say as I cross my fingers "What is it baby?" He asked "I was wondering If you wanted to spend chrismas with my family but I totally get it if you have plans or want to spend it with your family" I said "Yeah babe I would love that what do you say to spending Xmas with your family and boxing day with mine?" He asked "I would love that" I said as I began to smile. "I'm here now babe ill speak to you soon have a good day love you lots" he said "Love you to have a great day" I said before hanging up and going back to sleep.

Pov (Owen)
It had been a busy day at work but now I've finished and I'm on my way to (Y.N) house I love her so much and can't wait to see her. When I get to her door she opens it she looks very stressed "What's wrong babe" I asked wrapping my arms around her waist "It's just the premiere for waterloo road is coming up soon and I haven't got a dress and it needs to be perfect and I can't find one that I like" she said I smiled at her "babe its fine you have plenty of time to find the right dress" I said trying to calm her down. "But it needs to be perfect and I've only got a few weeks and most of the cast know what there wearing and they have there dress picked out and then there me but it's fine I've got the dress in mind I will try and find it tomorrow anyway how was your day?" She asked smiling. "It was alright thank you babe" I said with a smile. "What dress you got in mind" I asked curiously "and most important when am I getting a ticket to see my beautiful girlfriend on the red carpet?" I asked smiling at her. "You want to come?" She said smiling "Of course I do" I said smiling back she then gave me a big hug. "I'll get your ticket tomorrow" she said smiling at me. "Shall we go watch a movie" she said smiling at me "I would love that" I said she then grabbed a pizza out of the oven and some popcorn and we sat down and ate our food while watching a movie. "What you think of the movie?" She asked while we were sat down "Yeah it's good" I said smiling at her. She smiled back "it's my favourite movie" she said looking up at me. "Aww babe that's so matches your personality" I said she smiled.

The next day

Pov (Y.N)
I woke up to Owen right next to me he's still asleep I get up and make us breakfast before going back into my room to get changed for the day I put my sweats on and head back into the kitchen "Good morning baby" Owen said as he walked into the kitchen. "Good morning" I said giving him a kiss. "Your making waffles my favourite" he said smiling "Only the best for my Man" I said smiling he smiled back and then sat down as I gave him his plate and then joined him "so what your plan for today?" I asked over the table "Well today I've got work and then after I've got some cleaning to do back at my apartment" he said smiling "What about you babe" he said smiling "I'm going dress shopping and then once I've found the dress I'm going xmas shopping again but this time for food and then I'm taking it to my mums ready for Christmas" I said smiling "Another busy day then" he said smiling "indeed oh and of course I need to book my hotel for when filming starts on set again" I said smiling again. He smiled back we haven't really talked about what going to happen when I have to go back to film on set all I know is I'm going to be away for a few months while we film. We haven't though ahead yet we're spending as much time as we can together now without worrying about the future but I know I'm soon going to be back on set. We finished our breakfast and then I dropped Owen off at work beens as I was going that way and then headed into town and I found it the second dress shop I went into and I found it a massive Blue dress that looked like it could be cinderella and I knew that was the dress I wanted it looked beautiful I paid for the dress and then put it in the boot of the car before finding some accessories and high heels to go with it I finally had my dress for the premiere and I couldn't wait to fine go. I then made my way to the food shop and Brough some things for chrismas day some chocolate tubs, Turkey and some little nibbles for later on in the day. I then made my way to my mums went in for a bit dropped off the shopping and showed her my dress. She loved it she was so excited about coming to see my premiere and I was excited to. I stayed for a while and then headed back home and sending a photo of the dress to Owen it took him 3 minutes to respond "Babe that dress is fire your going to look stunning 😍 xx" he typed out in the messaged I read it twice before replying I had the best boyfriend ever.

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