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Pov (Owen)
Today's the night that were meeting up with everyone from camp we've met up now and then since I'm a celebrity but never as a big group like this We've already booked the table and Now it's just a small matter of what I'm going to wear. I picked out a nice shirt with some nice trouser bottoms after I've got changed and then it's time for me to go head over to collect (Y.N). I make my way over to her house parking the car at front as soon as she came to the door she looked stunning a red dress that looked beautiful "Don't you look absolutely stunning" I say smiling at her "Don't you look handsome" she says back to me smiling. "You can't take a compliment can you" I say looking at her. "Nope I can't" she says I grab her hand and when we get to the car I open the door for her as she steps in. We then make the drive to the restaurant "Were the first here " she says looking nervous "adleast this time we're not hanging off sky scrapers" I say smiling at her "That was frightening" she says before laughing. We were only 5 minutes early and people started to come through the door pretty quickly we hugged each one as we saw them and we had a little laught. We had a nice catch up which was well needed after Christmas and everything else that has happened since we got back. " I still haven't got back to normal life yet it still feels weird being able to do what I want" Chris says while laughing "To be fair I found it a bit of a struggle to learn my lines after getting back but I'm reajusting to it and getting back in the swing of things" i says as I start to opens up I see (Y.N) smileing at me i know she proub of me. It was like we had never been away we talked and talked and ate some great food but it just felt nice to be back together and talk about how we feel now and how we felt then.

Back to the real world (Owen +Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora