Proctective Wolves

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Justin's pov:
Me,Justine,and foxy were standing very protectively Infront of our mates. The pack started circling us. However me,foxy and Justine made a triangle with our mates inside.

The pack transformed in their wolf form. 50 of them were omegas. 15 of them were betas and 5 of them were alphas. We could easily take care of the omegas and betas. However the alphas would be a bit tricky.

We were definitely outnumbered but it all Came down to skill. We could not call our packs out here because we were far away and we needed them now. And if we sent someone there then their would be less of us.

Then the pack came running at us. As we thought we would we eliminated the omegas and betas first. They had some skill but they were still just omegas.

The alphas turned back into their human form and ran to their mates lying body's. They just stood up and tackled us. I pushed him off. And snapped his neck. Foxy took care of 2. And Justine also killed 1. However one was left and before I knew it he had stabbed me.

I twisted his wrist. Slammed him against a tree and then grabbed the dagger that he was holding and stabbed his heart. Adam quicky ran to me and said " Babe are you ok!! " I nodded.

He ripped a piece of his jacket and wrapped it around my wound. He grabbed a thiner peice of string so that it would hold up. Adam said " we need to get back to the pack, the wound might get infected "

Foxy said " sleep Justin,well wake you up " I said " but- " Justine carried me on her back and then I feel asleep.

Adeline's pov/Justine's mate pov:
As Justin fell asleep adam started crying.
Adam Said " will he b-be ok " boxy said " Adam he'll be just fine " Adam sniffled and then said " he got hurt- why do I have to be a stupid weak omega "

I said " we may be omegas so we might not be the best at combat like alphas but we are good at healing our mates " Adam looked at me and said " really " boxy nodded and said " yep!! So calm down and try healing your mate "

After 40 minutes of walking My mate looked at me and said " we are here " we woke up Justin. Justin said " we are here- " before his mate hugged him.

Justin said " woah easy love " Adam blushed at his boyfriend. Justine said " their cute aren't they " I nodded at my mate. Foxy said " let's go in through my room " we went behind the building so that they wouldn't see Justin's wound.

When we arrived everyone were still talking so thankfully they wouldn't hear us. Adam said " bring me some rubbing alcohol,cotton ball,and a bandage or cloth. " foxy took some from under her bed and we all looked at her.

She said " what, a girl can't have a first aid kit under her bed " adam applied some rubbing alcohol on the cotton ball and started cleaning Justin's would.

Once he was done he rapped it around with a bandage once he was done. He pulled Justin's shirt back down and sighed. I said " wait
adam,How about we learn how to fight!! "

Adam said " yeah but how? " I said " when is your training session Justin!! " Justin said " tomorrow " I said " do you all go together " he nodded. I smiled and said " perfect do you mind if we tag along " he nodded his head.

Boxy said " but they are pretty strong and they separate wolves when they go to train based on strength " Foxy said " we will tell them to let y'all in and go easy on y'all "

Back to Justin's pov:
I was happy that Adam was gonna start training but I wasn't too sure that him
training all of a sudden would be a good idea,and to try Alpha training when you haven't even done omega training made
me question myself but if they think they
can do it then I will support them. We then went to sleep since it was about to be day.
Most moon wolves usually sleep at day but me,foxy,and Justine don't since we train at

•The next day,still Justin's pov•
" Babeeeee,wake up its time for us to go and train " I rubbed my eyes and picked up my glasses. I said " really love " he pouted and said " yeah so wake up you dummy "

I got up and started taking off my shirt. Adam said " Y-You idiot why are you changing infront of me!! " I said " aww is the baby shy " he said "n-no I'm not!! " I just chuckled and said " your my mate so I don't mind changing infront of you "He blushed and then we started changing.

•once they finished changing•

We walked out the room and went into the training room. There stood foxy and Justine with their mates. Our trainer walked in and we immediately had to warm up. And by that I mean that we had to do 100 push-ups under 30 minutes.

Well that's what the alphas had to do. Thankfully he just told the omegas to do 20 pushups in a hour and they finished as we where on our 96th push up.Adam said " come on you can do it " I said " I can do it better if you get under me "

Adam blushed and smacked the back of my head and said " You flirt!! " boxy was on foxys back since he had finished and adeline was motivating Justine.

Once we finished and the time was up The trainer said " ok if you all are warmed up we will learn how to fight,since combat is a necessary skill for wolves "

" you will all start with a punching bag " The trainer took punching bags to everyone and said " firstly show me what you got,Justin called me earlier and told me that y'all are their mates " He smirked. The trainer said " I don't mind having omegas here since it's your mates and I'll take it light until you start getting stronger and then I will give you challenges sounds good? " the omegas nodded.

The trainer said " alright get to work. "

Next chapter will take place a few months later from this!!I honestly don't have anything to say so umm bye lol 😂

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