The new head alpha & luna

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(I hate this girl so much,I didn't even
say or do Anything to her and she is talking shit About me. I told her that if she Keeps that up I will punch her but she said " Idk,I'll beat your ass " like
You can't fight bitch. You got your
Ass beat by a kid 3 years younger
then You)

•A few months later•

It was Justin's 27th birthday. Everyone was
Preparing for the party later. It was not any
Normal party however. Justin was becoming
The Head alpha!! Justin was gonna be in
Charge of the pack from that day forward.

Everyone were estatic. However a certain
true Blood was in full on panic mode. He
was walking around his room. He said "
What if I'm not strong enough foxy!! What
if they don't Want me as head alpha!! What
if- " " Justin!!You are strong enough!! You
are a true blood for fuck sakes!! The whole pack is Happy that you are gonna be the
new head Alpha!! "

Justin felt a bit relieved and nodded.
Justine Walked in and said " Wow,My
brother is gonna Be head alpha. Time
flies by so fast " Justin Said " Hey I'm older
the you!! " Justine Chucked and said " Right "

Justin went downstairs and saw boxy picking up Adam who was picking up adeline to
Decorate the top of the cake. Boxys legs were shaking. Foxy yelled out " IMAGINE BEING

The midgets-I mean the omegas looked at
Their mates and frowned. Adeline finished
Piping the boarders and she got off of Adam's
Shoulders and then Adam got off boxys

Adam ran to his mate and he said " Luvvvv, you Are gonna become the head alpha!! "
Justin said " Yep,so you will be the Luna "
Adam smiled but then the smile turned into a sad face and he said " But what if they don't like me "

Justin said " They can fuck off then " Adam
Just laughed and he said " Anyways we are
Finally done with the cake!! " Justin said "
And why make that much cake? "

Adam said " because y'all love cake!! " Foxy said " Trueee " Then Justin parents walked in
The kitchen. Justin's dad said " Wow,my son
Is gonna be the new head alpha "

Justin just nodded as he looked at the floor.
Justin's mom said " my baby,He is turning
27 years old later!! " Justin said " yeah so where is my gift "

Justin's mom just looked at her husband
and At Adam and Said " You will get it later
" Justin Confused. Justin just brushed it off and Went To go and train.

He went deep in the forest. Justin took a deep
Breath and he let the snake wonder around.
Justin's blood was dripping down from his
Arm. The snake was circling a certain area.

Justin then felt himself losing consciousness.
And before he knew it he had fell to the ground.

He heard the words " Love,Protect,lost "
Repeating. Then he gained his consciousness
Again. Justin's eyes widened and the snake
Disappeared on his arm.

Justin just groaned since his head was
hurting.He walked back to the pack house. Once he Arrived he saw everyone panicking.


Justin nodded and went to take a shower.
He came out from the bathroom with wet hair
And dressed up in a formal yet casual outfit.
He shook his head to get some water off.

Justin walked downstairs and looked that
Everyone were already changed. Then he saw
That they were trying to lift the cake. He immediately ran downstairs and helped.

He said " let go " and he picked the cake up.
Justin placed the cake outside. Then he saw
His parents greeting guests at the back door.
Justin started panicking.

Justin heard his wolf said " something feels
.......different " Justin mumbled " you are
Just being paranoid " His wolf said " If you
Say so "

But trust me Justin felt the same way that his
Wolf did. Justin went back in the house
And adeline and Justine were walking out.
Justine said " Hey where are you going?
Everyone is out already. "

Justin said " I just.......need to take a break "
He walked to his room and burried his head
In the pillow. He looked out the window and

You may be surprised but he HATES people.
Justin just said " It's gonna be fine......."
he got up after a while and went outside.

And once he did cheers were heard. He
Just placed a smile on his face. He waved.
He sat down next to his boyfriend and his

They talked for a while until Justin's mom said " Justin,come up here son " Justin got up
And went to his parents. Justin's mom
Looked at Adam and said " You too Adam "

Adam went up there. Justin's mom said "
Here is my gift " she started taking off her crown. Justin's dad did the same. Justin's mom said " I am so happy that my crown is going to belong to such a nice and sweet boy like Adam.

Justin's dad said " I agree,My son is going to
Be the new head alpha. This is the start of a
New chapter. And his boyfriend is going to be
Be side him the whole time "

Justin's parents looked At each other and
they Placed the crowns on Adam's and
Justin's head. Justin kneeled down and
so did Adam.

Justin's mom grabbed them by their
shoulders And she said " you don't need to kneel,We Are family " Justin and Adam got

The crowd cheered at their new head alpha
and Luna. Justin waved but then he felt
Adam Grab him by his shoulder. Adam
said " L-Love My w-water broke "

Justin's eyes widened. He picked Adam up
Bridal style and said " Where is the doctor!! "
Justin's mom said " She should be at the hospital!! " Justin nodded and ran to his
Car to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

Once he arrived the nurses took Adam to a room. Justin said " Can I go in! " The nurses
Hesitated but agreed. Justin quickly went in
The room and sat down next to Adam holding his arm.

The doctor said " Ok Adam hun please drink this,It's gonna put you to sleep so that we
Get the baby out of you " Adam drunk it and fell asleep.Justin felt himself tearing up.

•A few minutes later•

A doctor said " Here they are, 1 is a girl and the other is a boy " she gave the baby's to Justin and he said " H-Hey you p-precious baby's, I'm d-dada " Adam woke up and he saw the adorable scene.

He said " It's twins " Justin looked at him and
Smiled. Adam made room for him on the bed and once Justin sat next to him he said "
What should we name them " Justin said "
J-Jamie "

Adam said " and this will be Andy " Justin looked at Adam with so much love in his eyes.
Adam connected their foreheads and kissed
His boyfriend.

Justin said " I love you Adam " Adam said " I love you too " Justin said " Thank you for
Giving me the best gift I could ever get "
Adam just smiled and cuddled him.

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