2.Constance, she is already fat but still getting fat

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During all the holidays Nico will spend as little time as possible at home, avoiding his parents. If the latter are sad about the situation, they do not regret their gesture and hope that their son will not start his bullshit again. But they are wrong.

Nico thought a lot during the summer with the help of the Internet and when the start of the school year arrives he has only one idea in mind, to find a pretty girl who is already plump. So he wouldn't need to fatten her up and therefore no problem with his parents or those of the girl in question.

After consulting the lists to find out which class he is in, he goes to the room where his new main teacher is waiting for him with the rest of the other students in his class. On the path that must lead him to this new class, to this new head teacher, he sees in front of him a girl of the same age as him, small, with long brown hair but above all round, very round even. Nico follows her hoping that she turns around. Which happens just when he thinks it. And there he can see that in addition to having a very pretty figure, she has a very pretty face. Nico is immediately conquered by the charm of the young girl and only hopes for one thing, that she is in his class. As he advances his tension increases. Each step is a step that brings him closer to the final victory. Because he has no doubt that he will seduce her. He has an advantageous physique, tall, sturdy, brown with blue eyes, he makes all the girls fall in love. He just has to choose. At least that's what he thinks. In reality, if he likes the girls a lot, they don't all fall into his arms. But when he is interested in one of them it doesn't take him long to seduce her. While thinking of his irresistible charm he approaches the room and the beautiful brunette is still in front of him. With one eye he looks at the numbers to see which room he should enter. With another eye he watches his future girlfriend. Suddenly his eye watching the young lady emits a signal she enters a room. A few steps and he will know if it is also his. And there his two eyes send vital information to the brain. This is Nico's class. Nico smiles and enters.

On the threshold of the door he sweeps the room to see where the young girl is. It only takes him a few seconds to spot her and see that the place next to her is free. Without thinking he goes there and when he arrives at the height of the young girl asks him in an innocuous way "Is this place free? I can sit ? With a nod of her head she replies yes. He sits down and can then take advantage of the few minutes he has left before their teacher begins his welcome speech to admire his neighbor. And what better season than summer to do it. Her face is pretty but not extraordinary with her black eyes, her small nose and her full lips. On the other hand, his body is more so. Dressed in a loosely cut t-shirt, he can see her generous chest, and even if it's wide so that she's comfortable with the strong summer heat, he guesses a pronounced belly under the fabric before seeing her equally generous thighs. Nico smiled delighted.

It doesn't take long for Nico to get to know his table neighbor. Because if she was in the same high school as him last year he had never met her, or at least he had never paid attention to her. Her name is Constance, measures 1.60m for 77 kilos, and does not resist Nico's charm for long. Only a week after meeting, they kiss. Besides, it doesn't take him much longer to sleep with her.

If Nico had chosen to go out with Constance to avoid having to fatten her up and therefore to suffer their respective parents, he could not unconsciously prevent himself from regularly baking cakes for her. So that after three months together Constance had already taken 3 kilos. It wasn't huge, but enough for her to stop going into her business and telling him.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but I love cooking for my girlfriends, I can't help it.

- And I can't stop myself from eating what you prepare for me, it's so good. But you're really going to have to slow down. I am already at 80 kilos. If we continue like this in 6 months I weigh 10 more. And that will be really too much. It's not that weighing 200 pounds would bother me. My parents don't care and my girlfriends don't care. It's just that I have to change all my clothes and I'll have more trouble moving. Not to mention that I would be too fat for you.

- I like you the way you are and I'm sure that with 10 extra pounds I'd still find you very sexy. - You say that to please me.

- No, I assure you.

- Ok. Even if that's the case, there's the problem of clothes and also being able to move so easily.

- It will be hard but I will try to stop making cakes. »

Nico will in the following weeks try to stop making cakes but he can't help making them and Constance can't help eating them. After 6 months they must realize that he is stronger than him and even if she gained less weight, Constance still gained almost 5 kilos. It is with regrets but forced that they separate after 9 months. As a farewell and a good long vacation, Nico invites Constance one last time to his house for a last cake. Constance was already beautiful when they met but with almost 8 kilos more she was even more so. Her buttocks and her thighs were rounded, her stomach was sticking out a little more and her breasts which were floating in their 95D filled him well today. Kilos, extra curves that she didn't care about. She felt good as she felt good about herself.

Even if Nico was not really in love he had taken a liking to Constance. She was nice and funny, in addition to being sexy, but he had realized with her that he couldn't help fattening up his girlfriends even when they were fat. Or weren't they big enough for him ?

 Or weren't they big enough for him ?

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