10.End of the turnaround

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The following week, Cindy, who has been nauseous for a few days, decides to buy a pregnancy test. The test turns out positive. She is happy and while waiting for Nico and Sandy to go shopping she is looking for a way to tell them. Finally she gives up on finding an original idea. She'll show them the test as soon as they get home.

When they return Nico and Sandy find Cindy in front of the door holding a small piece of plastic in her hands. Sandy gets it right away. Nico takes a little longer to realize but he explodes with joy when he understands.

Cindy will still have nausea for up to a week from the first ultrasound. An ultrasound that the three of them are impatiently awaiting and which will prove to be surprising. Cindy is not pregnant with just one child but with two. Cindy is pregnant with twins. She understands why since her nausea had stopped she ate so much. It's a big surprise for the couple, but a good surprise.

While she usually paid attention to what she ate to keep her figure, pregnant she let herself go completely and accumulated the pounds. So that at the end of her pregnancy she weighs 105 kilos, 40 kilos in 9 months. And to the delight of Sandy and Nico, breastfeeding the twins has the effect of continuing to stimulate her appetite, so much so that she takes another 10 kilos during the three months of breastfeeding. Once breastfeeding is over, she tries to curb her appetite and start exercising, but she can't. So much so that after two months of effort and 10 kilos more on the scale, she stops fighting. Her weight will stabilize, allowing Cindy to learn to love her new body, to find herself beautiful and sexy. So much so that she decides to become Nico and Sandy's "feedee" to take pleasure in growing like they had. They do not hide the pleasure they have in making Cindy fat and making her reach 140 kilos. Now she's as big as them. If her pregnancy and its aftermath made her gain 50 kilos, Nico and Sandy took as much. Seeing Cindy stuff herself and get fat, even if it was because she was pregnant, made them want to get fat again. So much so that they had both gained 60 kilos. They had even ended up reaching 150 kg by becoming Cindy's "feeder". Sandy, who until then had always preferred to be fattened up, had discovered the pleasure of fattening up, and she had taken great pleasure in it. Now all three were huge, their bellies protruding widely, it even fell a little in Sandy and Cindy. Nico had really small breasts and Cindy, who had always complained about her A cup, could finally wear E cups, while Sandy had to order J cup bras online. before, Nico, Sandy and Cindy always took so much pleasure in making love.

Cindy hadn't weighed herself in a month, but she knew by her clothes that she was still quite fat. When she looked in a mirror she thought she had never been so beautiful. She did not know if she would still be so if she still gained weight. To avoid feeling ugly, she decided to stop gaining weight. Especially since she was starting to have pain in her back and knees. But before stopping she wanted to fatten up one last time. She wanted to take advantage of the children being with their respective grandparents to have a day of force-feeding with Sandy and Nico. The latter agree and buy what is needed.

In the morning Nico and Sandy begin by serving Cindy a large bowl of coffee with milk, two croissants, two pain au chocolat, two pain aux raisins and two apple turnovers. After serving their mate they serve each other the same thing. Cindy easily eats the 8 pastries given to her. At 11.30 a.m. when they had only finished their breakfast for 1 hour, Nico served the aperitif, he gave everyone a large bowl of aperitif cake accompanied by a large glass of Coke. Again all three eat empty their bowls and their glasses. At lunchtime Sandy brings them McDo, a maxi menu with a maxi ice cream and a box of 20 nuggets each. They have a little trouble finishing this time but manage to do it all the same. At 4:30 p.m. Nico takes a big flan out of the oven, which they share. In the evening they meet again around an aperitif followed by giant pizzas and eclairs in the cafe. When they have finished eating after a day spent doing almost nothing but that, the three of them are truly full, happy to be, to feel heavy. The jeans they had put on in the morning are on the point of cracking, the t-shirts they have put on have largely gone up under the pressure of their bellies. So in a last effort to crack the pants they liquidate all they can, cookies, eclairs, ... . So that the buttons of the pants eventually let go under the irresistible pressure of their bellies. Slumped on the mattresses that now serve as their bed, Cindy is the last to crack her jeans.

When the button gives way Sandy is the first to react and kiss her girlfriend. Nico takes the opportunity to caress his lovers and undress them. In between, one kisses him while the other undresses him.            
After this day Nico, Sandy and Cindy happy together, well in their bodies, will live quietly with their children, will work in harmony at the bakery.

             After this day Nico, Sandy and Cindy happy together, well in their bodies, will live quietly with their children, will work in harmony at the bakery

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