A Sleeping Day

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 Attention Readers:

First time writing a fanfic forgive my poor grammar and poor story. 

Also there are no hunters just the white star set about two years after the final battle.

Enjoy :)

Cale closed his eyes let his mind wander over the past two years or so. The white star was dead, and everything was peaceful. Well mostly; Ron was scary as ever; Choi Han was only getting stronger, as he trained and taught Alberu.

'vicious' Cale thought

Alberu was now emperor and his father had retired. The Duchy was doing well Basen was taking successor classes much to Cale's enjoyment after convincing both Violin and Basen he had no desire to be heir. Lily was progressing well with her training and Choi Han had even started to give her pointers. '

'No official training, she was still too young for that,' Cale thought. 

Rosalyn had started her Magic Tower, Eruhaben visited usually several times of week, Breacrox was... Breacrox. Cale could hear the kids playing and he relaxed leisurely eating an apple slice that was next to him. He was living the life he had always dreamed, a rich slacker. Cale slowly drifted off to sleep thinking of good things.

Raon glanced over at the redhead noticing how Cale's head dropped ever so slightly and how his breath had deepened. The two kitten also paused and looked each glancing at each other. 

"Nya he is sleeping again." Hong said softly to his siblings. Raon nodded a serious look in his sapphire eyes. 

"Human has been falling asleep more and more often and often sighs! I checked over his health but there is no curse or poison." Raon said. On hid her amusement as she watched her two brothers, one by blood the other by choice, whisper amongst themselves at the state of their weak human.

"Sister, do you think Cale is sick?" Hong asked worriedly. 

On shifted and replied calmly, "No Hong... but maybe he is bored." On had paused halfway before suddenly feeling mischievous and telling her younger, innocent siblings something she Cale would groan about in his sleep. On had been studying Ron recently and had picked up a few 'bad' habits. Or that is what Cale would say. 

Raon and Hong's eyes both sparked up with excitement thinking they should entertain their human. Raon eyes glittered remembering the promise the human had made about one day traveling the continents.  He turned toward Hong excitedly 'this is the perfect plan for the weak human.' He quickly told Hong and On the plan. Both kittens felt excitement build up at them at the idea of traveling.

 "We can visit Goldie Gramps lair and go to the Northern kingdoms again." Raon said excitedly. Hong tail started to wag, "And we can go visit Freddo and eat his cookies and explore more of the kingdoms there!" 

On watched calmly not interjecting but was excited too. When She and Hong had fled the Fog Cat tribe, they had not time for sightseeing and knew almost nothing of the eastern continent itself. Recently Of course Ron had been teaching them of the eastern continent and the Molan household, but she would like to see it for herself. 

Cale's pale face wrinkled into a frown as a sense of foreboding disturbing his peaceful sleep. 

The kids quieted watching to see if their human would wake up seeing that he didn't they continued to discuss the trip.

Kind of short but hey it's my first fanfiction. As the story progresses, the chapters will probably be longer and hopefully the writing better. 

See you next time:)

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