A Bothersome Story

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Cale felt a coldness spread up his spine as his detector-for-troublesome-things went off. 

'An injured not quite human not quite elf in these mountains? No, I refuse to get involved not my business!' Cale thought aggressively almost weeping on the inside. 

'Human, the weird human-elf is injured vary badly I am fixing him now should I bring him back or should I tie him up here and transport you and Goldie Gramps?'  Raon asked excitedly.

Cale whimpered as the already bothersome but peaceful vacation started to flee in front of his eyes. Eruhaben noticing the look on Cale's face stared inquisitively at him. 

Noticing the ancient dragon's gaze, Cale sighed, "Ask Raon." 

'A weird human-elf is it a mixed blood? why is he injured in the middle of nowhere mountains? and more importantly what injured him?'  Cale thought as Raon explained to Eruhaben the situation. 

A curious expression crossed the golden dragon face. These mountains belonged to him and the fact that a strange elf-human had wondered on in, injured, when the unlucky human was visiting him annoyed him greatly. 

Cale watched Eruhaben's eyes turn into slits and felt a shiver of fear up his spine. 'Vicious.' he thought.

"It's your home Eruhaben-nim." Cale said he really wasn't interested in something that sounded so complicated and annoying.

Eruhaben sighed and tapped his pale, long fingers against the plush chair he had been resting on, eyes narrowed. Eruhaben was an ancient dragon who, unlike most, cared for the living things he saw in his domain and had a special spot for elves. Eruhaben stood up regally and informed Cale, "I will go check on Raon I have a few spots other than my lair in these mountains."

Cale nodded slowly his mind already processing all the information he had just been given and coming up with numerous theories. 

Eruhaben disappeared in a spray of gold dust and Choi Han who had been listening in went to inform the rest of the group.  Cale closed his eyes and leaned back cursing his fate. 

Eruhaben appeared in front of the little chubby black dragon. Raon turned excitedly as he felt Eruhaben magic and was ready for him. Innocent, shinning blue eyes stared at gold ones, Eruhaben noted Raon excited look and approached the bloody figure laying in the snow in front of Raon. 

The gold dragon knelt down letting his magic explore the odd being in front of him. Much like Raon described, the person lying in front him looked like a mix between an elf and a human. His body was delicate and lighter like an elves' but the ears were barely point and not nearly long enough. The face didn't have the ethereal beauty elves did and looked very human. Instead of pale beautiful skin and pointed face, it was much human and quite tan. The brown hair was shaggy on the sides and short on the top. The ears tapered into a point at the end but wasn't much longer than a human. The energy the unconscious person was giving wasn't like an elf or a human. It was very chaotic, clashing then connecting again in random patterns. 

Eruhaben frowned as his magic explored the odd man.  The ancient dragon's eyes slitted in annoyance at the mixed signals he was getting, it felt like the body before had been torn apart and rebuilt with different parts and meshed together in an comprehendible puzzle. 

'Goldie Gramps how is he? What is he? I practiced my healing magic how did I do?"  Raon asked rapid fire. 

Eruhaben ignored Raon for the moment as he healed the man as he attempted to figure out what he was. Eruhaben gasped as a realization struck, he had felt this weird disconnect of energies before. Eruhaben's expression darkened as he thought of on word, "Chimera."

Raon blinked at the golden dragon's furious gaze and thought of the dragon half-blood his almost brother. Raon then looked down at the weak looking person in front of him and felt sad for him if he had also gone through what the dragon half blood was forced to endure.

Eruhaben lifted the elf-human with magic and turned toward Raon, "Raon let go back to the cave," as much as Eruhaben didn't want to involve Cale in this it most likely involved the white star and his allies. While the white star and most of his allies were dead a few rats may have slipped through the cracks. Raon nodded and created the teleportation circle. The two dragon and elf-human disappeared. 

A few minutes later the sound of something large and heavy moving over the snow broke the silence that had settled over the mountain. It sniffed the bloody snow and air searching for the traces of what had just been there. Its eyes slitted in rage and recognized the scent of dragon mana. Blood was pouring from a large gash on its side, and it hissed into the air. After a few moments it slipped away disappearing into the white expanse.

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