The Plan Hiccups

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Cale sighed as he stared out the carriage window, wondering how he got into another bothersome mess. Raon was preparing transportation magic for Eruhaben's lair which he had repaired after the white star had destroyed it. Cale was actually impressed with how much gold Eruhaben had recovered or... anyway the lair was back to its usual golden self. 

The kittens each paced inside the carriage excitedly unable to sit still. Choi Han and Mary were also in the carriage, Choi Han smiling at the kids and Mary, while her face was covered, said in her GPS voice, "I am very happy to be invited on this trip." Ron had arranged for everything to be backed from the villa and had jumped ahead to the eastern continent to prepare for Cale future visit. Beacrox, however, would be traveling with them.

In place of Ron, Hans would be serving Cale and had finished backing up the necessary materials. The wolf children to their disappointment would not be traveling with neither would Lock who wanted to stay behind with his brothers. Cale had weakened to the wolf children and had promised a different trip for them much to his displeasure.

'What am I doing?' Cale thought vaguely as his soul threatened to leave his body at the thought of traveling around the world with ten wolf children.

Raon finished preparing the teleportation circle turned toward the carriage, 

'Human I have finished, is everything prepared?' 

Cale turned toward Choi Han too lazy to ask Hans himself, asked Choi Han too.

"Yes Cale-nim." Choi Han replied happily climbing out of the carriage. Eruhaben was ready to receive them and Raon had notified him they would be arriving shortly. Choi Han climbed back after telling Raon everything was ready, and Hans also climbed in sitting next to the kittens with a face of joy offering them sweets which they accepted with feline grace. 

Only Raon, the kittens, Choi Han, Mary, and Hans were going, Hilsman had requested to come but Cale had denied any other escort saying he wanted this to be small party and that any extra protection was unnecessary considering a sword master, two excellent, stealth, assassin cats, scary swordman/assassin, and a dragon. Cale already felt overwhelmed and didn't need another guard who scarily reminded him of Clopeh.

Raon casted his magic and with a familiar warping sensation the spot where the carriage once stood was empty.

Eruhaben was waiting for them as the carriage appeared in his lair. He had tweaked his barriers to allow Raon and the carriage in; stood there elegantly watching them appear. The ancient dragon withheld a grin remembering when Raon told him of his plan to make Cale travel.

'Unlucky Human' Eruhaben thought clicking his tongue as the carriage door opened. A familiar red head stepped out with a lazy, stoic look and greeted him.

"Hello Eruhaben-nim." Cale said resignedly.

"Goldie Gramps, we're here!" Raon shouted excitedly dropping his invisibility magic and flapping his wings excitedly in front of the ancient dragon.

"I can see that." Eruhaben replied dryly he turned leading them out of the small side cave he had given them coordinates for to store the carriage they would use for the trip and showed them into his main area. 

Everything as usual was covered or made out of gold and Cale current help but admire the sight. Raon also stared at the sight with eager sparkling eyes, planning his own lair in his head wondering how he can redecorate the black castle. On seeing a familiar glint in her adoptive younger brother's eyes and the amazed look in Hong's eyes couldn't help but smile to herself. 

Raon eager to explore made sure his human was comfortable before zipping off outside shouting he would be back before dinner. Hong and On explored the cave with Eruhaben's permission and disappeared down one of the corridors that led off the main hall. Beacrox immediately found the kitchen and start to shuffle around while Mary followed the kittens after commenting to Eruhaben, "Dragon-nim, you must really like gold if I find any, I will give it to you." in a GPS voice. 

Eruhaben raised an elegant eyebrow attempting to hide his smile at the seriousness in Mary's monotone's voice. "How kind of you Mary. You are always welcome to visit." 

"Dragon-nim where are the rooms we'll be staying in?" asked Hans respectfully, Eruhaben turned toward the orange haired butler and gave him direction to which Hans dutifully started to unpack the carriage with Beacrox's help. Cale being directed by Raon and Eruhaben to a comfortable rocking chair watched the process with tired eyes. 

Eruhaben smiled inwardly 'Ahh I must be getting old to enjoy a little hustle and bustle now and again.'

Turning toward Cale who was about to drift off to sleep, Eruhaben pulled a book from his magic bag and handed it to Cale. Cale took the book with a questioning gaze glancing at its title. 

"Just something I pulled of my library shelf for you to read in your spare time. The library is down that hall and I have quiet the collection of any books you might like to read." Eruhaben stated also handing him a platter of assorted fruits and sweets. Eruhaben knew Cale enjoyed reading and had been instructed by a very serious Raon not to let the human sleep so much.

Cale who had started to read the introduction muttered his thanks already focused on the book. 

After several hours Cale closed the novel satisfied with its ending, 'That was a good book'. 

Cale stretched but stopped halfway with horror as Raon shouted in his mind,

'HUMAN! I found a weird injured not quite human not quite elf person!' 

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