Intruder 2

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Cale shot back down the tunnel feeling a sense of de ja vu as he once more ran through the tunnel leading back to the main hall. 

His record had finally made an image for the creature he was chasing. It was a giant black snake.  He estimated around 35 feet long, jet black scales, and hard, cold violet eyes. Despite his amazing memory, he had only gotten a few glimpses and it was difficult to determine much else other than a basic sketch of its appearance.  Cale hadn't once gotten a look after their prisoner from the moment the snake had grabbed him.  Cale clicked his tongue in annoyance as flew, 'This is supposed to be my vacation'. 

On and Hong each breathed slowly to calm down, On calmed down first. She licked Hong's forehead purring to sooth her trembling brother. On shuddered at the memory of death. She felt as if something pinned her to the ground and she couldn't move as the threat of death moved closer she was unable to anything completely petrified to the floor. On glanced up and looked at Beacrox who seemed somewhat dazed and looked pale. It didn't help that he was messy looking as well with his hair tousled and numerous cuts and burn marks in his clothing. 'I have to stay strong for my family' On thought determinately. Raon appeared next to her, patting her on her back. 

Raon had flown with Choi Han stunned by Eruhaben's fury and power. He had casted his hiding spell and protection over the cave and flew after them as his human had also ran towards the fight. 'Human is weak, Goldie Gramps is furious he will absolutely DESTROY the trespassers. But I need to protect human and learn from Goldie Gramps' Raon thought as he teleported to the entrance of the cave, to be greeted by Goldie Gramps dragon breath. 

Raon had been entranced for a second as the might of the flames and power of Goldie Gramps. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw Beacrox stumble and saw the silver light of his human's shield, he hurriedly casted one of his own around Choi Han, himself, On, Hong, and his human. 'Sorry Breacrox'. Raon saw his siblings shaking in fear and glanced towards the entrance again. Dragon's fear was thick in the air but it was not directed towards anyone in the cave. 'Where is human going? Why are my siblings scared?' Raon thought in rapid succession torn at wanting to follow the human and wanting to comfort his siblings. 

Cale disappeared into the tunnel.  Raon frowned unsure of what to do for a moment. 'What would human do?' Raon knew what Cale would do, he would trust and help the one an immediate need, then he would chase after the other. Raon flew towards On and Hong seeing Breacrox reaching down to calm them. On was trembling but was doing her best to comfort Hong. Raon landed next to her removing his invisibility spell and patting her on the back. "Its okay On, Goldie Gramps it angry at the bas- bad guys, I know he may seem scary right now but he is a great and mighty dragon." Raon said confidently. 

On stared at her youngest sibling, and breathed deeply, "That is not what scared me Raon." She shuddered once more at the memory. She didn't remember seeing anything, or did she? Right before she felt frozen On thought she saw a vague glitter of purple. Her voice shook as the memory became prevalent, "T-there was s-something c-coming into t-the c-cave. I d-didn't get a g-good look at it, C-Cale went after i-it." As On finished her sentence; a presence entered the main cave entrance. 

Raon felt it, unlike the first time, a sudden scent of death and an incomprehensible feeling of dread, similar dragon's fear. He saw a vague image, like a mirage, fading in an out of view. It was long, it was black, and the scent of death grew stronger. Raon casted magic, attempting to trap it. A few second later Cale came out of the tunnel. The creature dashed by Raon, something smacked him in the air and sent him flying backwards. A flash of rose-gold once more hit the target dead on, as Cale eyes burned with rage. Raon quickly right himself, burning with his own fury. 

The snake appeared rearing in pain and anger, a clear image could be seen as blood poured from its back and the smell of burnt flesh filled the death scented air. It was at that moment the commotion outside the cave ceased and Eruhaben having left the leader alive, turned to face his home. He was greeted by a giant snake, fangs out.

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