Bothersome story 3

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Cale sighed and flicked his blood-red hair back rubbing his forehead. This really was too much, he had been dragged on this "vacation", promised an easy trip, and plans to cut whatever trip they had in mind short. Now he was facing an odd, chimera, who had seen the white star without his mask, something not even close subordinates had known. Wonderful. 

Eruhaben guessing the thoughts running through the expressionless face of Cale felt a little annoyed with himself for being lax in keeping an eye on the mountain range. Raon was still fuming that the person he had saved had dared to glare and attempt to attack his human.

Choi Han had similar thoughts as Raon as he glared coldly at the limp body of the elf-human male.

'If the man is a chimera as the evidence suggested, seeing the white star's face it pointed to the man being rather high up in the power chain.' Cale thought slowly starting to process what lay before him, 'However, that was rage in his eyes not shock, pure rage. He was most likely an unwilling victim  that may have caught the attention of the white star enough that the white star was comfortable enough in revealing his face, that comfort coming from the reassurance that he could kill him at any time. If this hypothesis was true that meant one or more labs were hidden and scattered throughout the continent's  escaping the the mercenaries, and the Molan's sweeps. An impressive feat.'

'How had they managed to hide?' Cale questioned, or he could be completely going down the wrong track and this man had either escaped or a leader who had ran away after the war and all the organizations were dead, but he had a feeling that was not the case. It was intuition, a feeling that was warning him something was coming. 

Cale lost in his thoughts missed Choi Han's questions and nearly jumped as Choi Han tapped him on the shoulder. Choi Han looked surprised but asked again, "Should we put mana restriction collar on him and move to a more appropriate place?"

Cale shook his head, "leave him here though guard him. Eruhaben-nim can you reinforce the spell to limit mana control and alert us if he wakes?" Eruhaben nodded.

"Human I can do that too!" Raon interrupted.

Eruhaben raised an eyebrow to this but stepped aside as Raon started to gather his mana. Cale simply gestured for him to continue and stepped away. Raon face crunched in concentration weaved the spell to limit the amount of mana allowed in the room, not in an easy feat considering the whole lair was formed and saturated in mana. Raon was casting magic on top of magic to create an almost air bubble were mana couldn't gather similar to a mana disruption device. Raon, Eruhaben and Rosalyn had been working on various magics over the past 2 years of peace. 

Eruhaben watched carefully ready to step in, but soon realized what incredible talent Raon had with magic. Even for a dragon Raon was far ahead of his peers. It wasn't just talent either, Raon put a lot of effort into learning unlike most dragons. Eruhaben his a smile but couldn't hide the pride beaming through his eyes noticed by Cale and Choi Han.

Cale shook his head at the old dragon, unaware that Choi Han was doing the same but direct towards him. Cale's eyes were also beaming with pride.

Raon finished preparing casted the magic perfectly. He beamed and turned towards his human a bead of sweat in his chubby reptilian head. Posing in the air, with an adorable smirk, Raon looked at Cale.

Cale nodded casually, "Well done Raon." 

Raon felt a shiver of joy rush through and nodded smugly unable to keep the huge grin on his face. "Of course human, I am the great and mighty." 

Cale turned to discuss future plans with Eruhaben only to find a stiff, fearsome looking Eruhaben. Instantly wary, Cale hesitated.

Eruhaben suddenly felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up, eyes glowing within a second the barrier around his lair shattered. 

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