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*I apologize for disappearing but unfortunately please expect it:( Originally, I didn't expect certain parts to take so long, (mistakenly believed I could stick to a schedule) and a few things happened in life that made it impossible to write. Fortunately, it's mostly over and I wrote notes during the time...

So yeah currently piecing my notes together. Several chapters should come out this week or so. :).... Since I don't feel like studying for my exam. - ~ - 

Eruhaben glared at the robed magicians standing around the front of his lair.  Approximately 10, all dressed in dark robes made a semi-circle at his entrance all battle ready with magic prepared.  Eruhaben felt himself transform into his beautiful dragon form in his rage and roared at the intruder,  tail thrashing in anger. Choi Han was by his side but he ignored him,

'They DARE to attack me! How DARE they, puny arrogant, humans."  Rage welled up within Eruhaben as he released his fiery breath. The intense heat of the orange and red conflagration broke the shield spells of three of the magicians killing them instantly. The other seven managed to hold on but one staggered at the sudden depletion of mana had him on his knees. Choi Han hesitated on whether to get involved in the conflict and glanced at the sixty foot long dragon. Golden eyes ablaze, smoke streaming of his nostrils and swirling clouds of dust encouraged his thoughts to perhaps provide back up if needed rather then joining in the conflict.

He glanced back quickly to the cave entrance seeing Breacrox standing in front of the kittens. 'Where is Cale?' he thought worriedly,' Probably overworking himself once more'

Eruhaben stared at the robed magicians. They were skilled for humans probably only a one levels behind Rosalyn before he taught her. They were also prepared, but he saw the confusion and fear in their eyes and knew his lair had not been the target. He sensed them preparing teleportation magic, and felt wrath once more overcome him as he launched a counter spell and bounded forward. His counter spell interfered with the mana in the air and distorted their spell casting, delaying their teleportation. He swipped at three smashing through their hastily prepared shields, slicing them in half. There were four left and Eruhaben had already determined the leader. A spell of fire was casted at him, he laughed at it puny strength and waved it away. It was bad but it was nothing to a dragon as strong and mighty as he. 

Cale frowned as the wind rushed through his crimson hair. The feeling had disappeared so he had called the wind elementals. 

'Hey what is the awful smell?'


'Be careful it is strange it--'

'Disappeared again, disappeared again!'

Cale frowned at the babbling mess. "What came in and where is it?" He asked sharply.


'Don't know, we can't see it.'

'Keeps appearing and disappearing only smell sometimes human'

 Cale groaned at their words preparing his water spear, following the trail that the wind elementals were leading him he had noticed it was heading towards the strange elf-human they had found. He quickened his pace. Cale came around the last bend of the tunnel and froze for a second barely having time to use his shield. 

A huge dark, scaly shape appeared right behind the corner holding the sleeping elf. Cale backed pedal, and the shape disappeared, but not before his record took a perfect snap. Cale felt something smash against the left side of his shield and was thrown to the right of the cave. He felt the air rush besides him, the smell and feeling of death hitting him once more but not as intensely as last time. He shot a rose-gold bolt at the location where he guessed the creature happened to be and was rewarded with a hideous hissing sound of pain. The long scaly shape came into focus for a moment before disappearing once more. 

Cale sped up after the invisible creature, 'Something infiltrated Eruhaben-nim's lair snuck past a dragon, sword master, and assassin. It came to take the strange elf who seemed to be connected with the White shi- star. I have to catch it and stop it.'

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