A Bothersome Story 2

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  Cale eyes narrowed as he studied the strange man lying in front of him. When Eruhaben had arrived with Raon and the man in tow, he decided to place him in a side room far back in his lai,r that he had once used for unimportant storage, was cleared and a bed prepared. 

Raon was flapping above his head commenting on the man strange appearance. 

"Human, it isn't an elf but it's not like the cookie prince or t the o othe--- is he really a chimera?" Raon asked stuttering over his strange relation to the chimera White Star had created.

Eruhaben had only told Cale and Raon about his thoughts of the man being an experimental chimera. There was still too much unknown about the situation to be sure, but it was the most likely assumption.

Unsure of how the man would react when he awoke or if he was an enemy; they didn't want him to see anything important or be aware of where he was, so they put in the back. Eruhaben tailored room with magic to alert them if he awoke and to restrain him if he attempted to leaving. While Raon and Eruhaben had started to heal the man Eruhaben had stopped concerned on how his mana would affect the already clashing energies inside the man. 

Cale sighed as pondered what he should do, he would like to do nothing, but that didn't seem likely after Eruhaben explanation of the man most likely being a chimera. The only being in the last thousand years or so was the white star using the alchemy tower experimenting on humans and other beings. 

Choi Han stood guard outside the room where Cale was observing the strange man. Eruhaben was currently going through his library muttering about reading something a long time ago that seemed like these certain energies.

 Elves were very elemental minded in magic and their energies were like nature, they were usually very balanced. Humans' energies were much more destructive minded and more flexible not really leaning to any one form of magic and usually very erratic. 

Dragons' mana was much like an elf in that it gave of a strong nature aura, but it was more powerful and varied similar to a human in that regard, but still well balanced. 

The strange man groaned and stirred Cale stepped back and gestured for Choi Han to come into the room. Raon casted his invisibility magic and waited excitedly talking in Cale's mind,

"Human, he is waking up, how do you think he will react. Do not worry if he attacks I will DESTROY him. 

The strange man's eyes fluttered and breath-taking emerald, green irises nearly blinded Cale.  The man gasped trying to sit up eyes darting around the room. His body not fully healed collapsed backward at the exact moment his eyes locked with Cale's. Rage instantly disported the man's face as he shouted half in anger half in pain, "You--!" Cale's shield activated instinctively as the mana around the man started to fluctuate dangerously. Raon snarled activating his own mana and adding shields around Cale. Large whip-like green mana appeared around the man and started to grow, however a few seconds later the man was slumped over half on the bed and half of the bed unconscious, thanks to Choi Han's hand.  

Raon started to mutter how ungrateful the strange man was and how dare he glare at Cale with such hateful eyes.

Eruhaben arrived shortly after pupils' vertical mana at the ready. The kittens who had been playing outside the room entered hissing, their hair raised. Beacrox who had been in kitchen had started to move when Choi Han had entered but stopped once the others had arrived.

'The others got it covered.' He thought continuing to cook the soup he was in the middle of making. He had absolute faith in Raon, Eruhaben, the kittens, and the Choi Han when it came to protecting the young master. Beacrox frowned as he thought of trusting Choi Han and started to caress his knives, 'Not in the kitchen.'

 Cale and Eruhaben looked at each other as Raon continued his violent muttering and Choi Han glared at the strange man laying half on and half off the bed. 

Cale felt a foreboding feeling, the man seemed to have recognized him, but Cale had never met this man. Cale and Eruhaben came to the same conclusion as they stared at each.

He must have seen the White Star without his mask.

 I apologize for disappearing for a few weeks, and I don't even have several chapters for a peace offering. :(( 

Life happened, College started, etc. 

Hopefully I will be able to go back to a regular weekly update. 

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