Bothersome Story 4

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Eruhaben almost doubled over as his magic deeply connected and supplied by him shattered seemingly with little effort. Blood trickled out of the corner of his mouth, and Eruhaben snarled in a rage almost blind for a moment with anger.

Cale felt the cave shudder slightly and saw Eruhaben curve forward slightly, pupils vertical, blood trickling out of his mouth.

Instantly the area was covered in dragon fear so thick that Choi Han nearly fell to his knees. Cale barely managed to stay upright due to his dominating aura. 

Eruhaben withdrew his dragon fear and disappeared in a scatter of gold dust, heading towards the main entrance. Choi Han was instantly behind Cale, albeit shaky,  Raon turned invisible. Cale thoughts went into overdrive. 

'Something just attacked Eruhaben's lair. A DRAGONS! lair. What insane idiot would attack a dragon's lair?! My vacation!' Cale thought.

"Choi Han go help Eruhaben, Raon cast magic to protect and hide this chamber," Cale ordered Choi Han to bolt down the halls.  Raon immediately set to work. Cale using the thief's power, flew down the halls after Choi Han. 

'On and Hong would have felt the shaking and would have sensed the air full of the dragon fear. They would probably start running back to the entrance as they had been in the back. Hans would be with them or with Beacrox who is in the kitchen near the entrance' Cale thought rapidly, 'The enemy had brave enough or knew with relative certainty that they could win...or they were just stupid. Which was a possibility.'

Cale skillfully weaved himself through the tunnels heading for the entrance as well. Determining the kittens were most likely headed toward the entrance and that he should meet them there. They were capable, but an enemy willing to attack a dragon's den was not to be underestimated.

Arriving in the main living area right next to the lair opening, Cale spotted On and Hong slinking alongside the far wall heading for the exit. Due to the nature of the entrance, Cale previously could not see outside the entrance. However, since the barrier broke, he saw the snowy hillside of the mountain and felt the cold wind from the outside.

Eruhaben was in his dragon form, a massive 40-meter-long golden dragon. Choi Han a tiny black ant stood right next to him, facing an unknown enemy. 

Both seem disconcerted Cale noticed, but neither seemed in danger. 

 Beacrox, Cale noticed, had white gloves on doubled with his broadsword pulled out standing just inside the entrance with his face turned away. On and Hong were on the right side of the wall slinking towards the entrance. Hans was nowhere to be seen surprisingly. 

A few seconds later, Eruhaben shook his head raising his neck slightly and a sheet of flame burst from his open mouth. The bright light blinded Cale and the others for a moment. An intense heat wafted into the cave hotter than any cooking fire, despite the flame being directed in the other direction. A rush of hot air whipped into the cave pushing papers, and pots into the air. Beacrox right at the entrance stumbled into the wall, Cale threw up his shield and placed the shield around On and Hong. 

'Choi Han being the monster he was' Cale concluded, 'was fine' despite being right next to the conflagration. 

Cale unable to clearly see the enemy strode forward not wanting to enter the conflict but needing information to understand who, what and why was there an idiot brave enough to assault a dragon's lair? A sudden chill shivered up Cale's spine, the hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up and his dominating aura activated on its own at max capacity. 

For a moment time seemed to slow, Cale not seeing anything felt as if death had brushed by him. Time snapped back to normal as he whipped to his right, but nothing, On and Hong was trembling as if they had felt the same 'thing' that just pressured Cale.

The kitten's eyes were wide, and about twice their regular size do their fluffed-up fur was hissing at and seemed fixed on a spot in the air between them and Cale.

Wary by the clanging sounds of swords, and magic coming from the entrance, Cale slid toward the kittens on high alert , still not sure what just happened.

'What was that? It felt similar to dragon fear but... similar to death as well.' Cale thought, 'The aura didn't feel like a god's."

Cale arrived next to the trembling kittens. On was attempting to calm down Hong but was still trembling to stare back into the cave as though there was nothing there for the eyes to see. 

Cale who still had the shield up gently spoke, "It's okay Hong, On, I am here."

On and Hong felt tears well up in their eyes at the sound of their weak guardian's voice. On taking a deep breath and gently patting Hong controlling her sudden fear. They were both brave kids but whatever that feeling of death was had clearly frightened them.

Cale picking them both up used the sound of the wind to fly towards Beacrox who had somehow managed to maintain his balance. His hair however looked as if he had been struck by lightning and their were numerous cuts and tares on his clothes. A messy Beacrox was a rare sight. His eyes seemed dazed but alert/

Leaving the kittens to Beacrox, Cale turned back into the lair, red-brown eyes searching the lair for any signs of the intruder. Glancing back towards the entrance, Choi Han and Eruhaben seeming fine, Cale reentered the lair. 

A Fading Dream of Mineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن