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"How can you miss someone you've never met?"
- Alexander 23

Third year

As usual, Sirius sat only partly listening to James' ramblings about the love of his life, absentmindedly waiting for his cue to be comedic relief whenever the words 'lily flower' became too painful to hear.

The clunk of the carriage door filled the compartment as the metal rocked against its hinges, revealing beside it an average-height girl clad in blue and bronze. Her shoulder length mousy hair adorning her features.

"May I sit here?" was all it took for him to fade from reality into the gentleness of her voice.

Of course they all said yes, the girl held an energy about her that could entrance even the most senile old man. 

"I love that book." she beamed as she saw the cover of Remus' well-loved pages of wisdom, each sheet of adventure gentle to the fingertips.

The way her eyes spoke of pure passion and innocence caused Sirius' breath to get stuck in his throat and his palms to sweat, he had to know her name.

She had a smile that seemed only half genuine, it never truly reached her eyes and yet her dimpled cheeks were enough to deter the concern of many, oh how they were fools.

"What is your name?" he couldn't resist.


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