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"I was late for the love of my life. When I die alone, when I die Ill be on time."
-The Lumineers

20th November, 1981.

Sirius swam for the light and Peter did everything he could to take him further into the abyss.

He could hear his voice even though he hadn't seen him in weeks. He haunted him in ways that could never be explained.

Sirius gave him his heart for free, and Peter thought that made it worthless instead of priceless.

He had hurt them on purpose with that refined look of innocence he so often wore, ripping James Potter from the very life he had dreamed of. Peter pulled the wool over their eyes for years.

Now as Sirius sat with concrete shaving away at his skeletal figure, he only wished that he had been quicker.

Quicker to save his best friend from their own. Quicker to unlock Peter's true identity. Quicker to tell Remus that he was sorry.

Quicker to save Juliet.

Her gaunt appearance and lifeless gaze left a scar on Sirius' brain larger than any he had worn before.

He only wished that he could see her heavenly features again, even for a split second, to replace the image of her dead body.

He needed to escape, needed to find Harry, needed to right his wrongs.

He would burn down every last deatheater if it were the last thing he ever got to do.

As now, Sirius Black was nothing but a tainted memory to those he loved.

Sirius Black was nothing but a "murderer" and a "traitor"

Sirius Black was nothing.

For who is Romeo without his Juliet.

 Juliet ~ sbWhere stories live. Discover now