Hold on

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"The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of, Id be so lost if you left me alone."
-Chord Overstreet

Post Hogwarts, 1980.

"Watch out for her." Were the last words that he ever heard from his brother.

Regulus was dead, and Sirius couldn't help but feel as though he deserved it.

His final words stuck a stake through his heart, knowing full well that those like Regulus would be the inevitable downfall of Juliet.

He had tried everything in his power to keep her safe.

He had forbade her from venturing out alone, as sick as it made him.

He had always kept tabs on the location of the muggle attacks, hoping to keep her out of the crossfire.

Yet he had never expected them to get her in the safety of her own home. And he wished that he did.

He'd found her cold frame hunched over in her own bedroom. The deep shades of her veins and stained cheeks had explained the events that led to her demise.

She didn't deserve this.

Those captivating eyes would never sparkle again. Those deep set dimples would never compliment her heavenly features. That godly grin would never light up another room.

He would never again hear her soothing voice and laugh that felt like hearing your favourite song for the first time. He would never again feel the delicate brush of her lips against his scars.

He'd half expected the world to react as he did. But it didn't. The sun rose and set the very same as it always had. The earth rotated. The people carried on. As if her death, as if her life was meaningless. And it angered him beyond belief.

He was lost, broken, splintered and shattered. Sirius was many things in that moment, but he was certainly not whole.

He would fight, for her.

 Juliet ~ sbOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant