We'll never have sex

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"Depollute me, pretty baby, suck the rot right out of my bloodstream."
-Leith Ross

Seventh year.

Anxiety erupted in his chest as if it were a volcano, threatening to bubble over and scald those who stood near enough.

His foot tapping and nail biting would soon injure the boy if he didn't stop.

The cacophony of floundering students and train whistles rang in his head, making it feel as though it may implode.

Suddenly the world fell silent.

There was kindness in her smile, a gentleness. She was a calm sea, dancing birdsong and new buds of spring.

Sirius fell into the crystal waters of her blue eyes, he was drowning with no intent to swim to shore.

"Please don't leave me." She uttered into his chest as she engulfed his frame.

It was then it became clear that all she needed was him. Something steady to hold onto and in time those eyes would shine as they were born to. And perhaps in rescuing her, he would be rescuing himself.

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