The most beautiful thing

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" And she remains to be, the most beautiful thing Ive ever seen"
-Thomas Headon

Sixth year

The sunlight had conjured only the most beautiful of mosaics, reflecting from each leaf and wisp of cloud.

There was something about the subtle breeze and the rays playing upon his pale skin that made Sirius feel at home, a sensation of which he had little experience.

Trees towered above him like noble giants, keeping a gentle eye over the goings on below and whispering unintelligible words of comfort.

Oh how he was glad to be back.

However, he had yet to tackle something that plagued his mind. Juliet.

Of course she didn't not blame him for his actions, she forgave him almost immediately, as undeserving as he was.

She held a soul too pure for this cruel world, he was convinced that she was gifted from the gods.

He had it bad.

Maybe it was the way that she loved with complete strength. Or maybe it was that she cared so deeply that made her so endlessly beautiful to him. Maybe it was how she made the space around her beautiful too, bringing out the light in others like a flower making her peers bloom.

Whatever it was, Sirius would destroy himself if she so asked him to.

But something was different. Deep shadows rested under her glossy eyes, one's that appeared to have given in to the passage of time.

As they watched the stars from the comfort of the astronomy tower, he couldn't help but feel his gaze drawn to the purple scars that littered her hands and collarbones, he dreaded to know what the rest of her body looked like.

Under her porcelain skin and perplexing blue stare, stood a small and scared girl who dreamt of escape from the harsh realities of this life.

 Juliet ~ sbWhere stories live. Discover now