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"I think I did something terrible to your body, oh don't you mind?"
-The 1975

Fifth year

The summer of the fifth year was rough for all. Juliet had encountered an argument with her parents, though that was all that was said.

"You're always welcome here, darling" Euphemia reassured when the brunette was practically begged by James to reside in the Potter residence for a short while.

Sirius had it even worse.

His blood-purist family had erased him from the Black name, mainly for his involvement with 'mudbloods' such as his Juliet.

"You're always welcome here, darling"
The voice of Mia repeated in his head as he trudged through sharp winter rain to escape the imprisonment of his former parents.

Juliet tried to help, she could not bare the sight of her best friend shivering away the cold in the living room. She tried.
"Go upstairs, Juliet." James warned.
"I said, go upstairs!"

He knew what the endangered boy before them was capable of in this state.

Within seconds, she was backed into a corner.

"Am I scaring you, Juliet?" The boy spoke dangerously quiet.

"Am I scaring you?!" He snapped.

Shaky hands reached for her wand, begging for any form of escape from the shell of the boy that she once called her friend.

How much can someone change before it's considered murder?

The gesture did not go unnoticed, a growl of a laugh bubbling over his lips and causing the foundations of the house to tremor.
"Do it."

The salt of tears caught in her throat each time she fought to inhale and blurred eyes frantically searched for any sign of the true Sirius within the frame before her.

She had left the next morning, half-heartedly claiming that the quibble with her family was now resolved. He knew better. He had ruined everything.

 Juliet ~ sbWhere stories live. Discover now