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I searched for a pen and a piece of paper as soon as I got out of the bathroom.

I needed to figure out a way to survive as long as I’ve become Penelope.

In this hard mode, it was hard to raise the interest of one, and a drop to a negative leads to death.

It was even worse for the duke’s second son. His interest was already in the negative. It would be death that’ll come for me if his interest didn’t rise to a positive soon.

There was a need for me to organize some information about the game.

It was fortunate that the fake lady at least had some things she deserved as a lady.

In the large room stood a luxury bookshelf and a desk.

I didn’t hesitate to go to it and take a seat. I dipped the end of the quill into the ink.

“Characters first.”

There were 5 male characters in total in the game.

The 2 sons of the duke and the crowned prince, the wizard, the knight.

The hard mode started with their interests at 0% or negative unlike in the normal mode where it started with 30% of interest in each one.

I started to write down everything I remembered, on the blank sheet of paper.

First, Derrick Eckart.

(Korean Pronunciations: Derrick Eckart)

He was was the first son of the duke, technically the young duke of the family. Derrick was a typical noble man.

He was generally uninterested towards Penelope as he was too busy preparing to be the next duke of this family.

However there were strong and intense contempt and hatred towards her for taking his blood-related sister’s place.

In the game, Derrick killing Penelope himself was rare. However, he didn’t forget to punish her whenever she made a fault.

Then the player will be given a penalty and their choices of lines to choose from would be restricted.

Just like today, I cannot leave the room due to the punishment given yesterday.

Anyways, next. The youngest son of the duke, Reynold Eckart.

(Korean Pronunciations: Re Nuhld [Rennald] Eckart)

This kid, well, there’s really nothing much to explain.

A very wacky and active guy with a bad -temper, having a critical personality and is always picking a fight with Penelope on every single thing whenever he encounters her.

As he’s the leader to those who abuse Penelope, him being first to abuse Penelope is not even surprising. What is surprising is that he’s always the one who brings Penelope to her death through some unexpected weird ways.

“Now that I see, these two are somewhat similar to the bastards in our house, aren’t they?”

I clicked my tongue, going over the information of the two that I’ve written down.

These two had the easiest routes to master in normal mode.

It was because these two had ‘family love’ and not ‘lover’s love’ for her since they were blood related.

That being said, Penelope was not the least related to the two through blood. Therefore, it had the higher chance of having a different ending than in the normal mode.

However I shook my head.

I scribbled a big ‘X’ on their names I’ve written.

“They have no answers. These two are hopeless.”

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