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Emily who was trembling so hard looked as if she’d collapse any minute.

However she started to go through her hair which was tied up.

Soon, a giant needle was seen in her hand which came out of her hair.

‘Oh ho, nicely hidden now, was it.’

Of course Penelope was always the victim. They were this intense.

She would’ve wanted to scream at the maid who’d always abuse her but couldn’t due to her having no evidence.

“H, here…….”

Emily handed me the needle with her trembling hands.

I stared down at the object that had continuously hurt Penelope up until now. It was a mere metal piece that wasn’t even that big.

However, yesterday I realized how painful this thin and little needle could provide a person.

‘How painful would it have been for her.’

No one would’ve noticed even though your arms go weak with bloody scar marks due to the pain you’d feel every morning when you wake up.

“Raise your head.”

I clenched my teeth and commanded.

Emily hesitantly raised her head.

Despair could be seen in her wavering eyes as she was probably thinking about things she would experience now from the violent gong-nyuh.

“Watch this closely, Emily.”

I reached my hand without the needle out in front of Emily.

It was one fragile looking milky white hand without a scar. It was flipped so the back of the hand was facing the ceiling.

Then I planted the needle on it with the needle Emily handed me without hesitation.

“Ack! Lady!”

It was me who was poked deep with the needle but it was Emily who screamed as if she was the one who got poked instead.

Then I plucked out the needle that was planted halfway in my hand.


Blood drops started to from on the piercing.

I’ve prepared myself for this but it really hurt. It was to the point I would get teary eyed.

But I didn’t show it on the face as I smashed the needle back into my hand, close to where I poked myself a moment ago.


This time, I couldn’t endure the pain as I let out a sound.

“L, lady!”

Emily breathed hard as if she was having a panic attack.

Emily, not knowing what to do, let out tears at my reckless actions. It was a scene quite funny to watch.

‘What’s she so scared about when she did things far worse than this before.’

“Lady, hic! Lady, why are you doing this!”

“No need to cry like that, Emily. Since this is the scars you made on me.”

I replied in a gentle tone. Then her face expression went blank.

“…… Huh?”

“It may be two at this moment but it could always become three, four, and five. Maybe even more.”

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