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Chapter 16

I was able to get up after 4 days has passed.

“Lady…… You’re okay now, right?”

The first thing I saw after opening my eyes was Emily with teary eyes.

“Yeah. I’m fine.”

“That’s really fortunate! Do you know how worried I was? His grace the duke and the young masters were also really worried about you, lady.”

“Is that so?”

I replied half heartedly because Emily also probably didn’t meant any of those she said.

Then Emily nodded her head in big motion and spoke.

“Of course! The first young master was pale when he ran to the mansion with lady in his arms!”

“…… My oldest brother did?”

“Yes! His grace the duke ordered and brought all the talented doctors in the capital while the butler was barely able to stop the second young master from leaving to the royal palace.”

I was quite surprised at her continued words.

She might be exaggerating a little, but set that aside, them giving Penelope a care at all was unexpected.

“I thought something might happen to you, lady……”

“You must’ve had a hard time, Emily.”

“A hard time, my foot! Don’t say that. I’m lady’s personal maid.”

It seemed like quite a lot of things had happened when I was unconscious. 

My mind was a little blank staring at Emily because she was the girl who was in tears, mentioning ‘personal maid’ in front of me when she was also the one who poked me with a needle before.

“Ah right! This is not the time for some chit chats. I’ll be right back that you, lady is now awake!”

Emily got up from the spot in hurry when I nodded my head and spoke.

“Bring some melon sherbet on your way.”


I checked the mirror directly after I got up from the bed. 

My face looked horrible from four whole days of being unconscious. My neck which was scratched with the crowned prince’s sword was wrapped thick and securely with bandages. 

“Why did they wrap it around me so thick?”

If someone were to see this, they’d think I broke my neck instead of thinking it’s just wounded.

I felt trapped by these bandages so I thought of taking them off me but I decided to just let it be for a little while longer.

It was because I thought it wouldn’t be that bad to act like a patient for a while.

It was around when I was resting on my bed after finishing the clam soup and the melon sherbet that Emily had brought to me.

Knock knock-. 

A knocking sound on my room door was heard.

“Lady, it’s Pennel.”

The visitor was Pennel, the butler.

He didn’t do things such as coming in without knocking anymore after that incident the other day.

However that couldn’t stop me from frowning.

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