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Chapter 36
It hasn’t even been 5 minutes since I decided that I wouldn’t use this so-called [Favor].

“Ha, haa…….”


An awkward silence corrupted the space.

Surprisingly, Vinter was standing on the same spot I last saw him before I left.

My face lit up bright red at his surprised ultramarine eyes.

Thank goodness I’m wearing a mask.

“……Please come in after you close the door.”

Vinter who was staring at me in surprise, soon moved out of the way so that I could enter.


‘Shoot, how embarrassing.’

I cleared my throat and quickly closed the door from the embarrassment.

I looked at the door to see the dark alleyway, but Derrick was nowhere to be seen.

‘Did he lose me?’

Even if he did, it was too soon for me to relax. I’m doomed if he goes back to the mansion and finds me missing.

“Sorry that I changed my mind so suddenly, but I’m still allowed to make one wish, correct?”

“Of course.”

“That wish, I’ll use it now. I want you to take me to Hamilton street. Right now.”

I got straight to the point. I had to get home before Derrick does.

Vinter should have a way for that as he can use magic.

“If its the Hamilton street…….”

He seemed to be thinking where it was.

‘Where, huh.’

It was a street a block off from the Eckart mansion.

He already knows who I am, so it’d be much easier if I asked him to take me to my room.

But I decided to continue to act as if I didn’t know he didn’t. I wasn’t going to see him again after today anyways.

“It’s hard to reserve a carriage due to the crowd.”

I spat out an excuse a second after that.

“Didn’t you bring a bodyguard with you?”

I could see that his eyes have turned serious through the small holes on the rabbit mask.

I thought of my one and only bodyguard at the mansion.

Eclise is a bodyguard by the title, but I wasn’t going to use him like one.

‘I need to treat him more carefully and seriously as if I treat a baby, now that he’s the only hope I have.’

I shrugged and answered him with a lie.

“……There’s always a secret or two that every ladies have.”

He erased the curiosity in his eyes. Vinter seemed to have understood a little of what I was saying.

Then he took out his staff from his clothes and he reached his other hand out towards me.

“May I ask you to lay your hand on mine?”

It looked like he was going to teleport me there as expected.

‘Thank goodness.’

I laid my one hand on his, feeling relieved. The squeezed my hand soon after.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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