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Chapter 26

Emily came back soon after she left with a box in her hand.

The pretty velvet colored box looked luxurious.

I took the box and opened it right away.

“Wow! The color’s so pretty!”

Emily said in fascination when the circular ultramarine blue gem was revealed from the box.

Lapis Lazuli usually had a hint of gold and white parts to it. It was more valuable when the color got deeper into blue and when lesser of those gold and white colors were included in it.

I checked it out by spinning the box in my hand, but not a single white or gold parts were spotted in a deep blue gem.

“I like it.”

I put on a satisfied smile as I set the box down on the table.

It was worth the money after all.

“Are you going to give this as a gift to his grace, lady?”

Emily asked, still looking at the cuff button with a circular lapis lazuli planted in it.

‘There’s no way I’d give it to the duke.’

I answered her question ‘no’ and requested.

“Can you bring any one of the jewelry boxes I own?”

“A jewelry box? Of course, lady.”

Emily seemed curious about what I was going to do but did as requested without further question.

Tak-. A moment later, Emily set down a big and heavy-looking wooden box on the desk.

I stared down at it for a little while, making it look like I was thinking of something, before speaking at the right timing.

“I have something I’d like to ask someone to do something for me.”

“Ehh? What is it?”

“Do you by any chance know anything about the informant at the upper portion of the streets?”

“An informant…….”

Emily muttered, then spoke.

“I don’t know much about it, but my roommate probably does. She worked at the upper portion of the streets before she came to work here.”

“Is that so?”

I paused for a moment before continuing.

“What’s her name?”

“H, her name’s Renna…….”

“Where is she right now?”

“…… B, but I can do this better than Renna can, lady!”

Emily added.

“Sure, she knows a lot, but she also has a big mouth.”

She said as she studied my face. She seemed scared of being pushed away if I called that other maid over.

“Emily. This job needs to be secretly and sincerely done. The person will also need to act depending on each situation.”

The real reason why I chose to keep Emily as my personal maid was so that I could leave these sorts of things to her. There was no one more suitable for the job than Emily was in the first place.

“You despised me so much before.”

However, I purposely tried to make her feel more worried to warn her once.

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