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Chapter 31

I jumped in surprise and turned around.

Then I noticed something strange on the wall.

“……What’s these lines for?”

A rectangle was formed on the wall.

I approached it.

Thud! That sound once again ringed in this space again.

I was finally certain of it. That the sound was coming from the wall where the rectangle was formed.

I reached my hand and touched the line.

“This is…….”

I looked at it closely to see that it wasn’t a line but a crack.

That was nothing other than a door. A door seeming to lead down to some secret pathway.

“Oh ho. Is it trying to prove that he is a mystic sorcerer?”

My heart skipped a beat in excitement. This was something that could be seen in novels or movies.

In the game, Vinter always appeared like a ghost in front of the heroine if she was feeling down, and showed off ‘shalala’ pretty magic.

The producer’s intentions were pretty clear on this Vinter character.

‘Your one and only healing man who appears and makes your mood whenever you’re sad!’

is probably what they aimed for, for this character.

The normal mode was really easy but Vinter’s was the easiest.

Unlike the other tricky male leads, he started pouring his interests to the heroine from the start.

That’s why I didn’t cross his name out on the list I made. He’s caring. Just in case.

‘Even though now I’m trying to raise his interests on me.’

I stopped thinking and started examining the area.

“How do you open this?”

It didn’t have a doorknob, and it wasn’t the kind of a door that you could open without a knob.

It was only a crack with the shape of a door.

“Definitely sure it’s not just some kind of office interior.”

I rubbed my chin and stared at the door seriously. Then I tried laying my hand on the door again.

Who knows, there might be a hidden button.

Just when I was feeling the door with my hand.

The white square box appeared.

Hidden Quest! [Reveal the sorcerer’s secret!]

You have found the sorcerer’s secret space. Would you like to enter? (Reward : Unknown something.)

[Accept / Reject]

I widened my eyes at the sudden quest.


It was a quest that didn’t appear in the normal mode.

I checked the reward and frowned as soon as I did.


The quest was just like it said, ‘hidden’, so it didn’t tell you what the reward was.

Just like the [Choices ON/OFF] system.

“Do I need to?”

I considered for a little on the spot, glaring the ‘accept’ button.

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