Lawrence Prison

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"Castiel Novack?" Cas looks up from his morning paper. His boss, Naomi, is standing in front of him. "Yes sir."
"Officer Novack, your request to transfer to Lawrence Prison has been accepted." Naomi places the paperwork in Castiel's hand and starts walking away. She stops and turns her head to face Cas, "For your sake, Novack, you better pray you don't mess up this time. Michael isn't as lenient as I am."


Michael stands in front of a house surrounded by police and swat teams. "Samuel Winchester. We have you surrounded. Come out with your hands up or we will shoot."
Alfie, a fairly new officer, comes up to Michael, "Ummm... Sargent Milligan? Isn't it illegal to do that?"
"Not if he's resisting arrest with a weapon."
"But he's..."
Michael gave him a stern look, and Alfie backed off the subject.
"One last chance Samuel. Come out with your hands up!"
Michael fired a warning shot in the air. Sam slowly came out the front door, hands first to show he wasn't holding a weapon. Just as he shut the door, he turned around and slightly lowered his hands. An officer shot, hitting him in the leg. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING! HOLD YOUR FIRE YOU GRADE A IDIOTS!!!"
Michael screamed as he ran out in front of the barricade, "HE WAS COMING OUT! NO WEAPONS, HANDS IN THE AIR. WHY THE HELL DID YOU SHOOT!!!" Michael reached Sam and put pressure on his leg. "WHICHEVER IDIOT SHOT IS FUCKING FIRED!!! NOW CALL IN A GODDAMN AMBULANCE!"

--------------------------- 1 Week Later------------------------

Michael sits at his desk in Lawrence Prison looking at the file for the new guard, Castiel Novack. A knock came upon his door. "Come in."
Cas shyly came in, closing the door quietly as possible. Michael looked up from his file, "Castiel Novack. You have quite a colorful history. Grew up in a poor neighborhood, raised by a single father. You got into a little scuffle with te law in high school, of course those records are sealed. Went to college on Fafsa and Scholarships, joined the police department after graduation. Then. You royally screwed up. Turns out one of your family members is connected to a crime ring, and you covered it up for them."
Cas stood still, "It was a mistake I'll never make again."
Michael trew down the file, "You better not. Or I'll have your ass on the black list for every Law Enforcement Agency in the country." Michael leaned over his desk, looking Castiel in the eyes, "I do not, tolerate, crooked cops, under my command."
"Yes sir."
Michael leaned back in his chair and smiled, "Go to Alfie. He should be in the dining hall. He'll show you around."

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