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Cas didn't wait until tomorrow to see Gabriel. An hour after the incident with Charlie he showered, got dressed, and headed to the prison.
Alfie was there working the visitors center, "Hi Castiel! What are you doing here? Today is your day off." Cas faked a smile, that's all could manage with anyone but Balthazar since Dean left. Just fake smiles. "I'm here to see Gabriel. Preferably private, without any cameras or voice recorders." Cas saw the look on Alfie's face and added to his words, "It's nothing illegal, I promise. It's just very private matters I have to discuss with him. Please."
Alfie stood there for a moment, "Okay."

Gabriel walked into the visitor's room, a huge smile coming upon his face when he saw Castiel sittng across the table, "Cassie! You came to visit me." Alfie gave Castiela nod before closing the door.
Gabriel sat down.
"Gabriel, who did you work for before you got here?"
Gabe's smile faded as his eyes slowly darkened, "Why would you ask that?"
"I can't tell you."
Gabriel stayed silent for a moment, thinking of the right words to say, "I don't want you to get more involved than you already are."
Cas tilted his head and squinted, "More involved?"
"Look, the point is, you're better off not knowing."
"Gabe, Dean is going to die. Unless I know who's framing him, which I'm pretty sure was your boss. Don't ask me how I know."
Gabe stared at Cas, a serious look on his face, "You'll die. Castiel, the reason, the reason Dean left. It was to protect you. Sam told me. My, boss. She crossed Dean the night before your birthday, she threatened you and Sam. He had to do what she said, or she would've killed you both. I crossed her by accident, I had a choice: work for her, or watch everyone I love die. She just killed Kali, right in front of me. I was forced to work for her. She made me put the sight of a gun to your head, after that I left. I got myself put in prison so she wouldn't kill me, or worse. Cas, she's ruthless. Please. Don't. Go. After. Her."
"Dean left to protect me?"
Gabriel noded.
"None of that matters if I can't do the same for him. Gabriel, I still love Dean. And I can't watch him die without doing anything about it. This woman is framing him for murder, along with other felonies. He's going to get the death penalty. And Sam, he'll have to spend 25 years in prison. Without his brother."
Gabriel shifted in his seat and sighed. Rubbing his face with his hands before resting his elbows on the table with his chin in his hands. H continued to look at Cas for a moment before speaking, "She goes by the name Abbadon. I managed to find out her real name, Grace Johnson."
Castiel got up. As he walked past Gabriel, he grabbed his wrist. Castiel looked back to his cousin in confusion. Gabriel's eyes held worry, "Don't get yourself killed."

Castiel walked out of the prison. His mind going through the things said by Gabriel. He bumped into a woman with dark brown hair, causing her to drop the papers in her hand. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there!" Cas bent down to help pick up the papers. The first thing he was greeted by was a smile as he handed the woman the papers. "I'm sorry."
"It's fine," she stuck her hand out, "I'm Meg. I just moved here. I'm the new nurse for the infirmary."
Cas smiled slightly, "Castiel. I uhhh... I work here, as a guard."
"Maybe I'll see you around then." Meg smirked as she turned away, walking towards the prison.

Gabriel walked into his cell, plastering a huge smile on his face, "Hi'ya moose!" Sam looked up from his book, "Why do you insist on calling me moose?" Gabriel shrugged, "You're tall like a moose." Sam rolled his eyes. "Oh come on Smmich!"
Dean walked up behind Gabriel, "Can I speak to my brother for a moment?"

"Look, Sam. I want you to take a plea deal..."
"No way."
"Sam, listen to me!"
"Dean, I am NOT going to sentence you to death! The answer is no."
Dean sighed, "Sam."
"I have a plan. Okay? Just trust me." Sam gave Dean a puppy dog look, "Please."
"Okay Sam."

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