It's [not] Over!

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So, about 1-3 chapters after this, depends on how long it takes me to wrap everything up. The next chapter is going to contain some time manipulation; I'll be sure to explain more on that when it's posted so I won't confuse you guys. As always, thank you for reading.

------ 3 weeks later ------

Charlie walked out of the court room with a huge smile on her face. Sam, Gabriel, Crowley, Dean, and Cas were sitting in the hall, waiting for the trial to be over; since Abbadon saw them sitting in the courtroom and went ballistic, when they weren't giving their testimony they had to sit in the hall.
A squeal comes out of Charlie's mouth. "We've done it! It's over."
Dean grins and looks at his brother.
"Sammy, we can go home."

------- 1 day later ------

Gabriel looks, bright eyed, at the candy store. "Cas. We have to stop."
"Please. We have to. It's life or death."
Cas stops the car; he and Gabriel were driving to pick up Balthazar, who's just getting out of jail. Gabriel jumps out of the car and sprints to the candy store.
Cas looks over to where Gabe ran to and instantly chuckles, getting out as well and walking to the store.

"I want this, oooooo! And this!" Gabe already had an armful of candy and kept picking out more.
"Gabriel, you're going to make yourself sick."
"No I'm not! Let me have my candy."
Cas chuckles, walking over and getting a box of his brother's favorite candy. Gobstoppers.
"Come on Gabe, we're going to be la-"
Castiel's phone starts ringing. He answers.

"Cas! I need you to come back to the court house, quickly."

"Charlie? Why do I need to come back to the court house?"

"She escaped. And she's going to be coming after you first. Dean and Sam are still her so they're safe."

"What about Gabe?"
Gabriel looked up at Cas, already having a lollipop in his mouth.

"She's gunning to hurt Dean. Gabriel should be safe, he can get your brother. But you aren't safe. Please, just come to the court house." Click.

"What's going on?
"I have to go back to the court house."
Cas stayed quiet a moment. "She escaped. During transfer I suppose."
"I'm driving you back. Balthazar will understand."

------------ 2 hours later -----------

Balthazar stood outside the prison waiting for Cas and Gabriel to pull up. He looks at his watch.
3:45 pm.
He mumbles. "Where the hell are they?"

Gabriel pulls up to a very annoyed Balthazar and gets out the car. "Hey, something popped up. Sorry about being late."
"Where's my brother?"
"He's at the court house. My old boss escaped while being transferred."
Just then, Gabe's phone rings.

"Gabe." Sams voice was quiet. And it held a bit of fright, alarming Gabriel immediately.

"What's wrong?" His tone changed immediately. Balthazar looked at Gabriel, not saying anything.

"Gabriel, she's here. In the courthouse. And sh-"
Gunfire could be heard from Sam's side of the line as he fell silent.


More gunfire.

"Sammy, please."

One last shot was heard before everything fell silent and the call dropped.
Gabriel froze. Not moving. Breathing shallow.
"Gabriel." Balthazar spoke softly, knowing how bad his cousin can get when he's worried.
Gabe dropped his phone in his lap, trembling slightly.

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