Light at the End of the Tunnel

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1010 words should make up for the gap between this and the last chapter right? This is mostly filler, but it does have important stuff in it. And only about 2 chapters left at this point, hope you've enjoyed reading.

Gabriel walked in without saying a word and went directly to his room, which immediately let Sam know something was wrong. Gabe never went to his room, he always stayed in Sam's.
Dean walked in a minute later with Bobby and Charlie. Sam hugged Bobby and the two exchanged some words before Charlie whisked him away to ask him the same questions she already asked everyone else.

Sam pulled Dean aside. "What happened?"
"Lucifer didn't make it out. We assumed he didn't, and at that time Gabriel seemed fine. Then we separated, and he came back. And he was like he is now."
"Did he say anything?"
Dean shook his head. "It took 30 minutes for us to convince him to let Bobby patch up his arm. I don't know what happened, but you should try and talk to him."
"Yeah..." Sam walks away towards Gabriel's room, leaving Dean alone in the kitchen.

Cas immediately came in after Sam left, pulling Dean into a tight hug. "I'm so glad you came back."
Dean hugged back, kissing Cas' head. "Of course I came back. I'll always be here. Besides, someone has to watch over my pain in the ass little brother and you." Dean chuckles slightly.
"What happened to Gabe?"
"I don't know..."

Gabriel sits on the bed, looking at a knife in his hands. "Why didn't I just force him to go with the others? I could've made an argument that no one would've challenged and stayed behind while they found Bobby..."
Gabe continues looking at the knife, playing with it in his hands. "I should've done something. It's my fault-"
Gabriel stopped speaking as the door opened, Sam walking in after. Gabriel sat silently, not bothering to look up from the knife.
Sam sighs and walks over to the bed, wrapping his arms around Gabe as he sits down beside him.
"Gabe, please don't disappear on me. You promised me you'd come back."
Gabriel let a tear fall down his cheek, the first time in years he's cried, even longer since crying in front of anyone.
Taking a shakey breath, Gabriel spoke in a soft voice. "Lucifer. He saved me.... And then he died as we were escaping."
Sam wiped the tear away from Gabriel's face as more came down and pulled him into his chest as Gabriel cried, clinging to Sam.


2 months.
It's been 2 months since Lucifer died. The arrests are already being made thanks to the inside knowledge of everyone. Meg, having nearly died, decided to take a long vacation from work.
The others were still on lock down, in a new safe house since Abbadon found the location of the old one.

Dean sat in the kitchen, eating a slice of cherry pie and speaking with his mouth full. "So, Bobby. When this is all over, do you think I can work for you for a while?"
Bobby looked up at Dean, rolling his eyes at the question. "You know you idjits can come stay with me for a while, I've already said so. And as for working for me, it ain't gonna be easy boy."
Dean takes another bite of pie. "Yeah, I know Bobby."

Crowley walks in the kitchen. "Really?"
Dean looks up at him, slightly annoyed that he just walked into the conversation. "Really what?"
"You're going to leave a life of crime for some low-pay, back breaking, annoying, unsatisfying, salvage yard scrap dealing gig?"
"Yes, as a matter of fact I am. Cas deserves better than some punk criminal."


4 more months passed by. Everyone, Dean in particularly, was getting annoyed by how slow everything was going. Trials were just starting to be conducted in the state supreme court.

Charlie sat up on the stand as a material witness as some defense lawyer questioned her, pacing back and forth in front of the witness stand as if to intimidate her.
"So, Miss Bradbury. You worked undercover in the operation correct?"
"Yes, I did."
"And during thag time-"


One by one, the trials went by. Soon, two more months had passed and Abbadon herself was just being arrested.

Sam bent over and kissed Gabriel. Gabriel kissed back, wrapping his arms around Sam's neck and standing on his tip toes.
Crowley walks in. "Bloody hell, isn't there anywhere in this place I can go without seeing people kissing all over each other? Squirrel is in the living room with Castiel, and you two are here in the kitchen."
Gabe chuckles and pulls away from the kiss. "What's the matter? Fergus McCloud feels lonely?"
Crowley slightly growls, glaring at Gabriel. "My name. Is Crowley."
"Now on your official record."
Sam chuckles. "Gabe, stop it. We still have god knows how long before we can leave. I, for one, don't want you dead."

-----2 hours later------

Dean sits outside with Sam, talking.
"I mean, Sam. This could be it for us. No more running. A light finally at the end of this long ass tunnel."
"I know."
"And- and you can go get back to law school, become that lawyer boy you wanted to be."
"I'm not sure if I want to be a lawyer anymore."
"I mean, who wants a lawyer who's been to prison? No one."
"Sam, you were wrongfully put in prison. They won't care. Besides, you're smart. Anyone would be stupid not to want you as their lawyer."

------ 3 months later ------

It's been 11 months, nearly a year, since they saved Bobby and started the process to tear down Abbadon's 'kingdom' of killers and thieves. Just one more trial left and freedom awaits.

Cas sits on the couch with Dean, watching some Dr. show Dean likes.
"So, umm, Cas." Dean spoke nervously, which Cas caught onto quickly.
"What's wrong?"
"Hmmm? Oh, n- nothing. I was just wondering. When we finally get out of this nightmare, if you would uhh-"
Dean moves off the couch, pulling a ring from his pocket.
"If you would marry me?"
Cas gasped, tears forming in his eyes.
"Of course I'll marry you."

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