Memories and Michael

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Cas walked out the store clutching the art supplies he just bought. He was wearing a suit, blue tie, and a trench coat. His hair was a mess, since he didn't bother fixing it when he got up that morning.
A couple paint brushes dropped out his bag, "Crap!" Just as he bent down a man ran up and bent down, "I got it!" The man stood up, smiling a smile that made Cas feel out of breath. And his green eyes made his heart flutter as they made contact. Cas took the brushes, "Thanks."
Cas started to walk away.
The man jogged to his side, "Y-you need any help with that? That's quite a bit your carrying."
"I'm actually walking to my house. I don't have a car, my brother took it."
"I could give you a lift? I don't mind." He smiled again, "My name's Dean, by the way."
Cas looked up at Dean and shyly smiled, "Castiel. And, sure. If it's no trouble."


Castiel woke up. That was the first time he met Dean. He was 16. Dean was 17, and on a job in the city. He was actually supposed to rob Cas's family, but Dean fell in love with him first.

"Come on Cas! Let me see." Cas just finished a painting of Dean. He had been in town for 2 weeks now, spending his time was Cas. Cas hid behind the picture as he turned it around. Dean stood there, wide eyed as a grin rose on his face, "Cas. This... This is awesome."
Cas blushed.
"Why are you hiding behind it? I thought the artist should always show his face." Dean carefully took the painting away, revealing a tomato red Cas. Dean raised his eyebrows, "You know, you're actually kinda cute when you blush."
Dean took Cas' face in his hand before he could turn away. Dean just smiled as he looked into Cas' eyes. "What?"
"Nothing. You have some paint on your face"
Dean leaned in and kissed him. Cas was shocked at first, but he began to kiss back as they brought themselves closer to each other.

That night, Dean called his boss and told him he couldn't pull off the job. It was also the night they got together, as a couple. Cas smiled slightly at the memory as he lay in his bed looking up an the ceiling.
He looked at the clock. 1:15 A.M. He had to be at work at 5:00. Cas turned back to looking at the ceiling. He had no idea what he was going to tell Sam. Abbadon had the case almost shut and close.
"... Abbadon. I manged to find out her real name, Grace Johnson."
Cas got up and went over to the computer.


Castiel knocked on Michael's door. "Come in."
Michael's eyes were firm as Cas entered the room, "Please, close the door and sit down."
As soon as Cas sat down Michael got up, setting down the folders in his hands. "You mind telling me why you spoke with your cousin off record yesterday?"
"It was private family matters."
"Dealing with the case of Sam and Dean Winchester?"
Cas squinted in confusion.
"I check up on what my guards are doing from time to time. Yesterday, from your computer, the St. Louis police database was hacked. THEN you come here to speak to your cousin. OFF record. I'm giving you one chance to explain yourself. Then your ass will be out of a job."
Cas looked down to his feet. He could feel Michael's eyes burrowing into him, "I'm waiting. Mr. Novak."
"Either way I lose my job."
"Why? Why would you put your job in jeopardy? What could be SO important that you screw up again."
"My friends are being framed."
"By who."
"A criminal by the name of Abbadon."
Michael quietly walked to his desk and sat down. "How do you know that name."
"I can't say sir."
Michael stayed quiet for about 5 minutes. It felt like hours. "Give me proof."
"Give me proof your friends are being framed, and I'll concider letting you keep your job. Abbadon. I've been chasing her for years. She's very, good, at avoiding the law. You find me evidence of your friends getting framed. I know they were involved with Abbadon, your cousin, my brother, and Crowley too."
"Your brother?"
"Lucifer. Abbadon has a way of killing or destroying anyone who will sell her out or the 'weak links,' which means she has no one in the prison system to take her orders. I want her dead. Get me evidence and you will keep your job. You have a week."

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