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Castiel, now 52, walks over to an old gravestone with the name Dean Winchester on it. He sits down on the ground in front of it after laying out a blanket. 
He smiles slightly. 
"Hello Dean. Sorry it's been a while. There's been a lot going on. Gabe and Sam got married, they got a boy. He just graduated high school, can you believe that? It seems like yesterday they adopted him. Can't say it's been easy without you, I wanted to give up but that's not what you would've wanted me to do. Sam found and gave me your letter at my wedding. The marriage didn't last, not because we didn't try. Crowley had a hit on someone and accidentally killed her instead. That was- 15 years ago? He's in prison for the rest of his life. I love you too. And I want you to know that I always remembered the good times we had, the other thing never mattered. Let me tell you what else has happened since you've been gone..."

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