He Did It To Protect Him

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Castiel walked into the dining hall and approached the first guard he saw, "Excuse me. Are you Alfie?"
"HEY ALFIE! WHO'S YOUR FRIEND?" A prisoner shouted across the room before he proceeded to wolf whistle. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes. "Stay at your table Lucifer!" Alfie turned to Cas, "Sorry about that Lucifer seems to do that to every new guard. I'm Alfie. You must be Cas. Is it okay if I call you Cas?"
Cas flinched at the mention of his old nickname. Dean used to call him that, "Let's stick with Castiel."
"Okay. Well there's one group of prisoners you want to look out for, as well as a additional prisoner. The one prisoner, Crowley," He pointed over to a man sitting by himself with dark hair and eyes, "He may not seem like that much trouble, but if he gets even remotely mad, cuff him and lead him out of here. The group you need to look out for is the table Lucifer is sitting at." Alfie pointed towards it. There was four men sitting at the table, all but Lucifer looked familiar. "Of course you met Luci. To his right is Gabriel..." "Gabriel Novack?" "Yeah, you know him?" "He's my cousin..." Cas stood there awkwardly until Alfie spoke, "Okay. Well the other two are the Winchesters. Sam and Dean."
"Sam got arrested?"
Alfie stared at Cas. "Sorry, I-I knew Sam and Dean. Sam never seemed like the type to get arrested. Last I heard he was at Stafford for pre-law."
"Well he's not pre-law anymore."
Alfie started to walk off, "Come on, I gotta show you the rest of this prison."
Cas looked over to the table with Dean, it's been a while since he's seen him. He heard he went to prison, but he never actually expected to see him again.
"You comming or not?"
Cas shot out of his thoughts and started over to Alfie who was waiting by the door. "Sorry."


Sam sits at the table with Dean, Gabe, and Luci. He looks up at the man Luci wolf whistled at earlier. His eyes grow wide as he nudges his brother, "Dude."
"Isn't that Cas?"
Dean's head shot up and he looked towards Cas and Alfie. "That can't be Cas. He's somewhere else, not at a prison as a guard."
Gabriel looked over his shoulder, "No, that's definitely my cousin." He winked at Sam as he turned around back to the table. Then he hit Lucifer in his arm, "And you wolf whistled at him!"
"I didn't know, what the hell are you hitting me for? I've never seen the guy. I see a new guard, I whistle."
Gabriel raised his eyebrows then, deciding not to comment, looked to Dean, "Why don't you just go up to Cas and say hi?"
Sam looked at his brother, "Dean..."
"I said no. I can't."
"It's been years. I'm sure he's already forgiven you."
"I can't. Sammy I just can't."
Gabe looked over his shoulder again, "Well, looks like he's leaving so it doesn't matter." Gabe turned around, "What happened between you two anyway?" 
"He had a shot at something better than me. I wanted to make sure he got that chance." Dean got up with his tray. Gabe looked to Sam. Sam sighed, "You really want to know?"
"I want to know what he was thinking when he left my cousin alone without a goodbye or a good explanation." "Okay, this is I got from him and Cas telling me what happened...

------------ flashback to a 19 year old Cas and a 20 year old Dean ------------

"Dean!" Cas shouted from the other room. Dean hurried in to see Cas on his laptop, "What is it?" "Come here!" Dean smirked and and walked over to where Cas was lying on the couch. "You must get me this."
Dean raised his eyebrows, "Bee pajamas? You kinda obsessed with bees you know that?"
Cas pouted and crossed his arms, "It's almost my birthday."
"I know Cas." Cas continued to pout. Dean sighed, "I'll get you your bee pajamas." Cas smiled and grabbed Dean's face, pulling him closer until their lips touched. "I love you Dean."
Dean smiled as he walked away, "I know."

"Well, anyway, Dean went and got the pajamas. A few days passed and he went to go do a job...

Ash stood by the electronic panel as he worked at disabling the alarm system to the huge mansion, "Hey, Winchester! Come here!"
Dean walked over to him.
"Pick up those wire cutters and cut this wire for me. The black one right here." Ash wiggled the wire with his finger. Dean took the wire cutters and snipped the wire in half, "That disabled the alarms?"
"It should have. We need to disable the cameras next." "Or we could just destroy the footage."
Ash looked up as Dean, "Do you not know how Internet streaming works?"
"Uhhh..." Dean absentmindedly scratched the back of his head.
"It means: even if we destroy the footage properly, the authorities can still access it through the Internet."
Dean stayed silent.
"In other words, we need to cut the power to the cameras or we'll still get caught."

"They cut the power to the cameras and go inside, but something went wrong...

A gunshot rang around the room. Dean tuned around just in time to see Ash fall to the floor. "ASH!!!" Dean runs over to him, but he's already dead. The bullet went straight through his head.
A red laser landed on Dean. "Unless you want to end up like your friend here, I suggest dropping everything and leaving." A red headed woman with a gun came out of the shadows. She was wearing a blood covered dress.
"Not without my friend's body."
The woman with the gun walked closer and pointed her gun at Dean's head, "I'm afraid you don't have a choice. Dean Winchester."
"So, you know my name? Good for you."
"Oh, Dean, Dean, Dean. I know everything about you. It's my job. And you don't do what I say, I have a sniper shoot Castiel Novack in the head. And your brother."
Dean paused. Breath caught in his throat at Castiel's name.
"You will do as I say. Now go."

"Dean did as he was told. He went home to Cas. He knew tomorrow was his birthday so he stayed. Cas sensed something was wrong and tried to get it out of him...

"Dean," Cas tilted his head in the way he always does when he's confused, "what's wrong?"
"Nothing Cas. Open your presents."
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"I'm waiting for Balthazar. You knew he was coming right?"
"Your brother. Of course, sorry Cas it must have slipped my mind."
Cas flopped down in Dean's lap, "Are you sure nothing's wrong?"
"Yeah Cas. I'm fine."
Cas kissed Dean. And Dean held the kiss for as long as possible...

(Back to present)

"Dean never said what was wrong. While Cas was asleep Dean wrote his crap letter and left. He told me, after I tracked him down, that it  was to protect Cas and me." 
Gabriel looked at Sam, "Who was that woman? The one who threatened Cas and you."
"We found out after Jessica was killed in her car crash that the woman goes by the name Abbadon."
Lucifer's eyes went wide, "Abbadon?"
"I came across her a couple times. She's ruthless. A killing machine. She's also the reason Crowley is in her. He wants her dead more than anyone." Luci looked over to Sam, "Your brother was smart. That was the best way to protect Cas from here."
Gabriel turned to him, "So you would've done the same thing?"
"No. I would've ripped her heart out with my bare hands, but Dean? He's no killer. He's just a thief."
Sam looked at Luci, concerned, "What exactly are you in here for?"

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