Trouble Brewing

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Castiel walked into Raphael's office. "Please," Raphael spoke in a monotone voice as Cas shut the door, "sit down Novak."
Cas sat, not saying a word. "I understand you were close with Michael."
"Not anymore than anyone else. Sir."
"Is that so." Raphael began to tap his finger on the desk. "I understand you were working with him on something. A case, perhaps?"
Castiel's skin began to crawl under the cold stare of his new boss, "Well... It wasn't anything special. Or too important."
Raphael stayed quiet for a moment. "Is that so. Well then I suppose you won't have a problem when I tell you you're going to quit working on it. Mostly because you're fired. I've looked at your records, I don't appreciate people who hide things that are in violation of the law. Hand in your badge and you can go."


Charlie ran up to Castiel and hugged him. Over the past three months they've gotten close, so it wasn't really a surprise. What was a surprise was how she seemed to have a death grip on him. "I heard Raphael came to the prison. I was worried he might kill you."
Charlie let go. Cas looked at her, "Do you know why he's here?"
"Not here."
Charlie handed Cas a piece of paper. "Meet me there in an hour."

Crowley walked up to Sam, Dean, and Gabe. Lucifer was still in lock down from this morning. "You boys are in trouble."
Dean looked up, "What the hell do you want?"
"Squirrel, always so polite."
"Eat me."
"I came over to warn you about Raphael."
"Because you're useful. And I don't want you dead yet."

----------------------- (I know I'm skipping around a lot. Bare with me, I have a reason for doing so.)

Castiel arrived at the location Charlie gave him. It's in the middle of nowhere. You can't even get the Internet and TV companies to set up a signal out here. No cell reception either. Cas brought a knife, just in case.
Charlie appears from behind a thick patch of trees, "Sorry it's hard to find. That's kind of the point." She motions for Cas to follow her.

They arrive at a actual log cabin in a clearing from the woods. "It's completely off the grid. You wouldn't be able to find it if you didn't know what you were looking for. More importantly, Abbadon doesn't know about it. Trust me, I've checked for bugs here multiple times."

Raphael walks into the solitary cell Lucifer's in and shuts the door behind him. "Well, if it isn't little Luci. All locked up."
Luci looks up, but doesn't answer.
"You remember me don't you? I told you I'd be the one to kill your brother."

"Raphael Johnson is the brother of Abbadon. Both were adopted. He's bad. He actually does the dirty work while Grace sits on her throne." Charlie stopped to make sure Cas understood.

Raphael pulled his arm back before landing a punch on Lucifer's jaw. "You're pathetic."
He hit Lucifer again.
And again.
"The only purpose of you being in here was to keep your brother alive and YOU FAILED!!!"
Lucifer lay on the ground bleeding. He lifted his head up. His eyes had a fire in them that sparked as he listened to Raphael speak. "I will kill each and every one of you. Slowly. And I will burn your world down to nothing. Smiling as I do it."

Cowley stood as he continued to speak, "I would suggest getting out of this prison, but unfortunately the only guard that would help you got fired. Things are about to get A LOT worse."
Gabriel spoke up, "Cas got fired?"

"All he did was ask me not to look into Abbadon anymore, not directly, and fire me." Charlie looked at him, "You're lucky. If it wasn't for Dean you'd be dead right now. You shouldn't continue."
"I can't stop."
"You'll die."
"I'd rather die than watch as Dean gets sentenced to death."
Charlie sighed, "Okay. I need to tell you something then."
Cass waited for her to continue.
"I'm undercover. With the FBI. My job is to get into the ranks close to Abbadon and take her down. But with Raphael at the prison, it's possible that the only witnesses we have will be killed. We need to get them out. Stage a prison break. I was planning on using you before he got there, but the plan's changed. We need another way in and out the prison. Quickly."

Sam spoke, "So if he works for Abbadon, why is he here? I thought she didn't have anyone in the legal system besides lawyers."
"It's a safe keep system moose. Just in case something like this happens. Too many witnesses of what she can do willing to snitch on her."
Dean spoke up, "If I die, will she leave Cas and Sam alone?"
"Sammy, you can still have a life. It's too late for me."
Crowley answered, "Theoretically, yes. But with the way things are it's no guarantee."

I know I flip flopped a lot between characters and scenes. I wanted to tell the story without repeating myself a bunch of times.

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