Forget The Wrong That I've Done

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------ Day of the courthouse shooting-----

Charlie runs into the room with Cas. "Sam, she's here!" Charlie shuts the door quickly and Sam and Dean push the office furniture in front of it. 
Dean spoke first. "We NEED a weapon. She probably-"
Gunfire starts as people scream in the halls.

Sam instantly pulls out his phone and calls Gabriel. 
"Gabe" Sam spoke in a quiet voice.
  "Gabriel, she's here. In the courthouse. And sh-"
More gunfire, really close to the door. Sam dropped his phone.
The window  to the door gets shot out and another shot is fired, hitting Cas in the shoulder. Dean instantly jumps in front of Cas as another shot is fired.
Silence filled the air for what felt like hours. Everything was slow motion as Dean fell to the ground, growing paler by the second. People moved to get to Dean, worry on their faces, shouting his name.
Someone places their hands over the bullet wound and applied pressure.
Another person ran outside where police and an ambulance were.

Sam's phone had been crushed amongst  all the chaos, leaving Gabriel in a state of panic as he sped towards the courthouse with Balthazar desperately holding onto the bar above the door for dear life.

-------- present ------

"My shoulder still hurts sometimes." Cas spoke as he rubbed over where the scar was on his left shoulder.
"I know." Gabriel looked at his cousin sympathetically. "But you know what?"
"Your shoulder would want you to move on. Be happy."
Cas chuckles slightly. "How do you always seem to read people's minds?"
Gabriel smirks. "I'm magic."
"Sure you are."
"Let's go." Gabriel pats Cas on the back. 

-------- A week and a half after shooting --------

Everyone's wearing black. Bobby stands in front of the small group wearing his suit without his usual baseball cap. 
"Dean Winchester was like a son to me. He and Sam were at my house more time than I can count. I remember Dean coming home, after a job he decided not to do, saying he wanted out-" 
Bobby smiles slightly. 
"He said he found someone. Someone worth dropping everything for. Of course then, I didn't know that someone was a guy. Or that the guy would grow on me like he has. Dean died almost having what he wanted. But that doesn't mean we should stop living. It means the opposite. We should live in his memory; if we get out, we stay out, and we do the best that we can because that idjjit died so we could keep going." 

Sam stands up, and walks to Bobby and giving him a hug. 'Thank you Bobby." 
Bobby nods and goes to sit down as Sam stand in front of everyone. 

"Dea- My brother. He wasn't always the easiest person to live with. He played his music too loud, we pulled pranks on each other that ALWAYS escalated. But-" Sam pauses, taking a breath. "But my brother was always there when it counted. After- Jess. And pulling me out of the fire someone used to cover up our mom's murder, he was there. And yeah, he might have made some mistakes. But Dean, Dean was the kind of person you could always count on to have your back, even if you didn't want it. I wouldn't be her without my brother. None of us would. If I could- say one last thing to my brother-"
Sam get tears in his eyes, threatening to overflow. 
"If I could say one last thing, it would be thank you." 
He picks up the shovel and throws a shovelful of dirt onto Dean's coffin. 

Bobby comes next. 

Then Cas. 





All of their faces were hardened. Everyone except Castiel.
Silent tears were streaming down his face. He couldn't take it. Dean being gone, it was too much. He let out a small sob, gaining the attention of Bobby. A quick glance at Castiel, and then Castiel walked away. 

He needed to be alone. 

No, what he needed was Dean back. He needed his best friend. His lover. His muse.

It wasn't fair. 

It wasn't fair he had to wait so long for Dean to come back, only to have him leave again. More tears fell down his face.
Cas took an old brick, throwing it against a wall as hard as he could and watched it shatter into a million little red pieces.  
He sobbed. "It's not fair.... I just got him back and now he's gone." 
His shoulder was aching, the wound not completely healed yet. 
His heart hurt worse. It felt like the shattered brick laying on the ground. 

Cas had a rough night the day of the funeral. every time he closed his eyes he saw Dean dying.

The months after weren't easy either. Cas blamed himself- survivors guilt. No matter how many times everyone told him it wasn't his fault, to him, it was still his fault. 
Bobby suggested Cas and Sam move out to Sioux Falls, get away from Lawrence for a while considering the past both of them have with the city. But it was Gabriel and Balthazar that finally convinced the two to move after two months of bothering them with it. 

Sam and Gabriel eventually left Sioux Falls for California after about 3 months; Sam decided to finally finish his law degree. 
Cas went back to painting and moved to his home town where Balthazar and the rest of his family were located- minus his cousin Gabriel of course- after 5 months. 

Charile went back to the FBI, occasionally visiting everyone.

Crowley went back to his life of crime, working his way up to the top. 

Meg tracked down Cas after a year and they started dating, moving in together after another year.


Gabriel and Cas are standing just outside the doors to the main room in the church. 
"You ready Cassie?" 
Cas groans at the nickname before answering. "Yeah." 
"See you at the end" Gabe walks off. 

-skip to wedding reception- 

Sam walks up to Cas. "Hey, I found this a couple days ago. Dean would've wanted you to have it." 
Cas looks down, grabbing a envelope Sam hands to him. "What is it?" 
"It's a letter. He wrote it a long time ago, before we ever got into prison. I guess he never had to courage to send it to you." 

Cas smiles slightly. "Thank you Sam."

"No problem. And congratulations, on you and Meg."

-1 week later- 

Cas sits alone in the kitchen, unable to sleep. A letter falls to the floor in a envelope that Sam gave to him, still not read yet.

Cas gets up and picks it up, opening it:

Dear Cas, 
                   If you're reading this, I'm so sorry. I'm probably dead, went down fighting, and Sam gave this to you. There's so many things I wanted to do with you. But I guess that's just the Winchester curse, can't get away from it no matter how hard I try.
                  I Wanted to get away from it all, this life. I wanted to be with you. I guess that's never going to happen, and I'm sorry. Just know I really did love you, even if I didn't say it. 
I guess this is the letter I never left you before. God knows you deserve so much better than me, so I'm asking two things of you: 
                                                        1) Find someone that makes you happy, someone better than a thief and liar.
                                                        2) Forget the wrong that I've done and help me leave behind some reasons to be missed
                And please don't resent me for this, what I've done. Just keep me in your memory. Leave out all the rest.  I love you.
                                                        -Dean Winchester

Well, It's been fun. But all things need an end. Thanks for reading and staying with me. (P.S. there's a short little epilogue thing I'll be posting soon too)

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