Ch. X

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A couple weeks went by and a meeting had been arranged for Mr. Masrani to come see the dragons. He'd heard about it and thought they were another genetic disaster by the hand of Dr. Wu, but that wasn't the case. Unfortunately, Hoskins, the head one InGen, had also caught wind of it. He fully expected it to be a failure and would swoop in to try to get the dragons in his department. What better than a fire breathing weapon? Let alone three of them?

The herbivore field had been cleared out to ensure the safety of the animals, and almost every keeper and employee of Jurassic World wanted to come see what they were sure was to be a disaster when Masrani saw the dragons.

Dany stood with Owen and Mel off to the side, watching as a helicopter landed and Simon Masrani got out of, followed by Claire.

"Mr. Grady," Simon said, shaking his hand. "How're things? I hear there's been a bit of excitement."

"Well, some disagreements," Owen said. "Claire seems to think the dragons can only be managed by Jurassic World and not by the woman that raised them."

"I only think it would be in their best interest to be in a secure environment, plus it would bring a lot of money in. Dinosaurs we knew existed, dragons have only been in legend."

"Well, let's not draw conclusions until we see how Dr. Targaryen handles them. At the end of the day if they're attached to her, why would we take them from her?"

A bellowing shriek echoed across the grasslands. A couple wayward Parasaurolophus raised their heads in alarm. Staff members and people looked up, searching for the source.

All three dragons soared overhead, shrill calls reverberating across the sky and hills. They circled, finding places to land. Dany had braided her hair, wearing cargo shorts and black tank top as she looked up to see her babies overhead, a grin on her face. It seemed like not long ago, they were near babies in her arms and now, still not fully grown, they were still impressive.

All three landed, Drogon stepping forward first. Masrani's eyes went wide and Hoskin's jaw went slack. Whispers could be heard and comments of disbelief. Off to the far left away from the crowd was a giant wood and straw dinosaur, what type remaining ambiguous but it was nearly the size of a Brachiosaurus. The dragons had landed and Dany moved toward them, murmuring to them and steadying them when Owen stepped forward.

"I'm Owen Grady, many of you probably know me, I work with the raptor squad. Now, I've trained those four from the time they hatched. I imprinted on them, trained them, developed a relationship and established my leadership. But those are creatures I know." He explained. "I never thought in a million years dragons would exist, nor would I know what it's like to have them be such a huge part of my familial history, to have a kindred bond with them that traces back centuries. Daenerys Targaryen slept on a lawn chair in front of a fire pit the night they hatched, and she believed in those eggs that were given to her when no one else did; and she made me believe in them too. These aren't our dinosaurs, these creatures never technically existed, so we thought, but there is not a single legend told that doesn't portray a dragon in some way. These dragons have been in Dany's family history forever, and they actually existed for them. Kingdoms built and conquered from the backs of dragons, forging thrones of a thousand of the swords of their fallen enemies. Daenerys has shown even me a dedication and a kinship I could only hope to see a fraction with another creature."

He took a step back, motioning to Dany and each dragon. "I give you Viserion, Rhaegal, and Drogon, who we affectionately call 'The Winged Shadow'."

He stepped to the side to let Dany do her thing, and Dany moved from the side.

"Rhaegal, Viserion, Drogon." Daenerys said, and all three heads snapped around. She took a series of steps back. "Māziz."

In lumbering, undignified movements, yet somehow still majestic, all three dragons took a series of steps toward her, red and both gold sets of eyes fixed on her.

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