3 men 3 encounter storytime.

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Sojung snuck into the girls dorm to put Seonghwa to sleep. Then, she drunkenly looks at him. "Are you jealous that I was going to kiss him?" She asked giggling. He rolled his eyes, "I'm more worried of you drunkenly kissing random men, when I'm not around." He said sighing and tucking her into bed. He then stared at her for a bit. "But you're truly pretty no matter what you do—" he said  while playing with her hair. She was slowly drifting off to sleep. He then slowly kissed her forehead and walked out.

The next day Sunny and Seonghwa were in the cafeteria having hangover soup. "So what's the story?" Sunny asked smirking at Seonghwa. "What do you mean?" Seonghwa asked. "Hey, I know I was drunk last night but I remember every single thing. I want details. I mean you've got three men swooning over you now. Like I would die to live as you." Sunny said drinking her soup.

"I mean it's no big deal. I met Sojung when I was trying to find our College Group and I think he's pretty into me but last night was kind of blank I don't remember much. What happened last night?" Seonghwa asked. "You seriously Don't remember ?" Sunny asked.

Seonghwa shook her head. " well last night when we went out for drinking Kim Daniel introduced himself to you and you two were kind of drinking together the whole night..but sojung seemed really jealous, he didn't like it. You two were literally about to kiss I mean, do you usually kiss random men when you're drunk I have no idea, but Sojung immediately took you back to our dorms when that happened. Ah how romantic." Sunny said smiling, wishing it was her.

" I barely had a few drinks with this new guy and all of a sudden Sojung is jealous. I'm right when I say he's really into me but I don't know I kind of like having my fun.." Seonghwa said finishing up her soup. "What about the professor?" Sunny smirked.

"What about him?" Seonghwa asked. " I mean I know you have a crush on him every girl in our school has a crush on him and he asked you to stay after class the last time tell me what happened I mean I'm sure something had to happen.." sunny said on her tippy toes.

"Fine, but you have to promise not to tell anyone. I just can't stop thinking about that day either. It was definitely not what I expected out of him.." Seonghwa replied.

"Oh my god...what did you two do?"

"He...well..pinned me..against the wall, I swear he was going to kiss me, but he was teasing me. I didn't really know if he was joking around because I pretty much called him hot but..." Seonghwa said blushing a bit.

"No way! You're making it up!" Sunny said surprised.

"Well believe that then." Seonghwa said getting up smiling to herself.

"WHAT?" Sunny said getting up with her walking beside her. "Is that all that happened?"

"Well I suppose until next time." she said looking over at Seonghwa and then walking with her to the dorm room.

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