Consequences.(Professor Jung)

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" what were you guys thinking? That no one would find out about you too. You know the consequences of having improper relationships, right? Mr Jung I expected you to know better since you are the older adult, but how is it that in my school there's an improper relationship between a professor and a student? do you think that looks good? What do you think people are thinking about the both of you right now? Why would you even do such a thing?" The principle said scolding the both of them.

"Sir, it's all my fault I'll take responsibility. I did it on purpose because I like the professor. It's not his fault at all. I hope you would give him a chance. He's never even paid attention to any other students before it was only me, please forgive me, you can even expel me, I won't have a problem with that, but please don't fire him." Seonghwa said getting on her knees.

The professor felt so terrible but all he could do was bow his head in embarrassment. The principle had been so disappointed of these two. "fine but I want the both of you to issue an apology to the school. A proper one you will go on speaker after your apology is written, and you will tell everyone how sorry the both of you are. I won't expel you. You are one of my best students. I'm disappointed in you, but the best I can do for you is community service for the rest of your life while being at this college and as for Mr. Jung I won't fire him, but he will take time off of his job. Another professor will replace him for the time being until he moves on from you, if not he will not get his job back."
The principle explained.

The professor and Seonghwa both looked at each other sighing. "Im sorry to get you in so much trouble Professor Jung." Seonghwa said bowing. "It's alright."

They both wrote their issued apology and went on speaker to apologize to the school. "We're very sorry to have caused such disruption. We hope that everyone can slowly forget about this and move on, we do not want to be anyone's distraction as tests are coming up, I'm sorry again." The profesor and Seonghwa both apologized sincerely.

Youngjin and Sojung both looked at each other. "Did you take those pictures?" Sojung asked Youngjin a bit angrily. He was obviously heartbroken but he didn't want to see the girl he liked in so much trouble and embarrassment, especially with Hearing what everyone was saying about her. "Why does it matter? I mean look how she's hurt you."

"I don't care, I never asked you to do such a thing. If you're my friend you should've known I wouldn't do something like that to her. I mean what if she thinks it's me? I would never hurt her like this and all because of you my friendship with her could be ruined as well." Sojung said pissed.

"I was just trying to help.." youngjin told Sojung.

"Well butt out. It's none of You're buisness." Sojung replied walking away from him.

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