The ending.

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Two months later.

Ever since that day, Seonghwa had decided to let Sojung into her heart. It did take some time, but she chose him. Seonghwa decided she wanted him by her side.

It was the happiest time for the both of them. Going on dates together and staying beside each other, it was something new for Seonghwa. They would call each other each night, even after a date and speak all night to each other, it was endless, the two couldn't get enough of each other.

Sometimes it was so much, that it made many people sick and jealous.

They even matched ugly sweaters on Christmas, and clothing on occasional dates. It was sweet and simple, but romantic. Anything a girl could wish for.

Sojung really loved her very much. Seonghwa learned to love and had been super glad, that it was him.

It was finally graduation. "Come on stand straight so I can take a picture of the both of you. My how you've grown my pretty daughter." Seonghwa father said smiling at seonghwa and her boyfriend Sojung.

Sojung held seonghwa close waiting for their graduation picture to be taken.

They both held hands and smiled at each other.

"I love you." She said to him kissing his cheek.

Her father was surprised but was happy for them. Sojung was even more surprised and embarrassed. "Well I love you too." He said smiling.


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