Getting drunk to forget (kim daniel)

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Seonghwa decided to text Kim daniel to meet up. She felt guilty for what had happened with sojung but also because of what had happened with the professor. She never met for any of this to happen but now the guilt was just taking over her. 'Maybe I shouldn't have gotten involved with the professor. It wouldn't have hurt the both of them like this'

But, daniel was there for her. Drinking with her at the bar and keeping her company. They both got drunk late at night, pouring glasses for each other until the both were so drunk they could barely stand. "I don't know what it is but I really really like you. I like spending time with you, even if the only thing we do is meet up and drink, usually I would flirt with more girls than one but ever since I met you? I've only been speaking with you and wanting to be with you drives me crazy." Kim daniel confessed all in one while being super drunk and wobbly.

"Is this the time? I told you I felt bad and I wanted to get drunk with you. I don't want to hear another confession right now. I don't like you. You're my friend my drinking buddy understand? That's all we are. Accept it." She said drunkly trying to get up but she falls to the floor.

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