Its you again (kim daniel)

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Since Seonghwa couldn't think clearly, she decided to go drink alone. Daniel  was coming back after a big game with his friends to go drink as he saw her sitting by herself. "Guys don't wait up for me, I'm gonna catch up with someone." He said going into the store.

"What was that all about?"

"Maybe he has a new play thing!" His friends joked. "Alright come on guys let's get out of here." The other friend replied.

"Hey you." He said sitting across from Seonghwa.  "Oh Your—"

"Kim daniel? Remember me from the other night?" He said smiling.


"But What are you doing here drinking all alone?" He said looking at her.

"Well, I don't really know either? I just..need some drinks right now." She said nodding.

"Could've called me." He said smiling.

"I don't have your number." She said looking at him. "Oh easy." He said handing her his phone. She put in her number and he smiled. "Now you can call me anytime you want a drinking buddy, or more than that." He winked.

She laughs. "Great."

"Don't worry the alcohol will be on me today. Sir please bring us 3 bottles of soju!"

"Coming right up!"

The alcohol was finally served and firstly Seonghwa poured for him. He then decided to pour for her, "here drink up!"

They continued to drink and get wasted.

"I just feel something is wrong! I can't place my finger on it!" She said drunkly.

"Why?" He responded hugging her not letting go, he was even more drunk than her. She looked at him and laughed. "I don't know because you just look funny."

He pouted and pointed a finger. "Hey! You know I'm very handsome! A lot of woman want me, why is it so different with you? Why don't you like me too." He said drunkenly.

"Because I don't know!" She said sighing.

As Professor Jung was out he saw the two drinking and bald up his fists a bit angrily. Seeing her with other men made him feel possessive. He walked into the store and looked at them both. "Who's this?" Kim daniel asked looking up.

"Ah he's my professor.." she said gulping as she looked up at him drunkly rubbing her eyes.
He sighed and grabbed her arm. "Time to go." He said angrily. "Why I want to drink some more." She said laughing to herself.
"You've already had enough alcohol. We're going back to the dorm."

"Okay okay." Seonghwa waved at Daniel holding onto her professors hands walking away.

Daniel looked a bit confused.

Professor Jung took her to his apartment and let her sleep there for a bit.

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