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"Color: a phenomenon of light or visual perception that enables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects"

"Here, color means so much more. Your personality, your place, your role, your entire future all depend on the color you become. The color you turn out to be."

"Children are born the color White. The symbol of all colors, light without refraction, color in its purest form. They have the choice to become any color they want to be because children have not yet figured out what kind of person they are. However, on the day they turn fifteen years of age, their true hue finally shines through to display one of nine colors."

"Even from when they are little, children are given discreet tests that can further infer their personality and their strengths which puts them in specific classes to grow and be among similar peers. Even a little test like selecting a style of clothing and the purpose for choosing it can be an indicator of how you think or what you enjoy or lean towards."

"Some peculiarities have been written up however. Some children have shown disruptive patterns or none at all and they are watched carefully in order to help decide their fate. In the end, they all find a place in one of the nine factions which we will be reading about if we look in our textbooks. Please turn to the introduction."


"Red. The fiery, passionate souls of pure strength in the mind and body. They are naturally strong in more ways than one. They are bold, daring and face any challenge with confidence. Reds tend to be natural fighters which makes them great for tasks that require persistence. These can be useful, making them fast-paced and resourceful workers, or these can be harmful when they feel the need to take their rage out on an object or someone else. Every color has its faults and for Reds, it is their fury and impatience. Despite all this, their loud and boisterous ways make them good people and despite their confident shells, they are willing to put others first. They are protectors and fighters, great to have on your side."

Orange. The vibrant, the welcoming, and the youthful. Their stand-out nature has them constantly looking for attention as well as directing others in times of need. They are very inviting and friendly overall, making them great with people. However, they tend to let their anxiety get the best of them and even though they desire to have everyone's eyes on them, they worry if it is because they are doing something wrong. They feel the need to help people in any way they can, and because they are often surrounded by others they have the need to have someone there with them. Being lonely for too long will slowly drive them towards insanity and in which case they will do anything for interaction. Oranges are problem solvers and natural social workers, handling people and the social world better than anyone else."

Yellow. The friendly, the energetic, and the excited. A Yellow's optimism is sure to keep the people around them going for long periods of time. Yellows are rarely seen upset; their overbearing joy usually manages to take control of them and finds a way to always shine through. Similar to Oranges, they get along with others wonderfully but they do not need the attention or presence of others to keep them happy. Their cheeriness often leads them to act childish; not many can take them seriously. Most Yellows do not like having everyone being condescending towards them, especially if it is on a serious matter that requires other assistance where people take them for a joke. This happens all the time considering Yellows can be overly cautious or paranoid. They may be happy, but they worry about the littlest things."

Green. The balanced, the calm and the healers. Greens are very soothing and are often relaxed. They listen to the earth and are usually seen connecting to the world around them whether it is through meditation or simply breathing in a breath of fresh air. They find themselves most comfortable when outdoors, surrounded by nature. Some claim they can even feel the plants calling out to them. Greens are lovers of the environment and do what they can to protect it when no one else cares to. They have never seemed to get too upset over real world problems, and though they might find it an issue, they'll fix it without complaining or struggling. The only time a Green does not feel like themselves is when they are stripped away from nature and isolated with nothing to remind them of the outside world. Overall, they are calm, collected, and earth lovers."

Colors : The Spectrum of LightWhere stories live. Discover now