Chapter 5

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Crimson marched back, fists clenched with anger as they stormed back inside the building. As they exhaled a breath of pure fury, the guards, Brick and Carmine, hesitantly walked behind them.

"You had one job. One." Crimson murmured under their breath. "What would you even have done if I wasn't here?" They brought a hand to their head, pinching the bridge of their nose. "Now the kid's gone and who knows where he is or if he's even alive— I'll never hear the end of it. Will I?" They turned around to the guards who merely exchanged glances with one another but didn't respond.

Crimson groaned. "Clean up this mess." They glanced over at Ivory's body which laid cold and lifeless on the floor. They simply stepped around it. "Get rid of... this— we can't have other children see."

Crimson left the induction building and reentered the smaller structure that stood outside only a few steps away. They searched around and finally picked up what was a communication device; It could only contact one place and it was used in case anything went wrong. This rarely ever occurred but with dread Crimson now needed to use it because something went wrong. Terribly wrong.

They picked it up and hit the only button on the mechanism, waiting only a split second before receiving a reply.

"This better be important." The one on the other line replied.

"You know that I wouldn't have used this if it wasn't, you should know that." Crimson chuckled before their expression grew darker and their laughter ceased. "We have a problem."

"And what might that be?"

"A White figured out the system, they know what we do."

"What's wrong with that? You should have just killed them."

"They fought back after they were inducted. It was a White. Not like any other child, but after they got their color, they were still a White. They knew about everything, the colors, the abilities, they even figured out how to use a Red's power."

There was a pause on the other side. "A pure White? Not a Multicolor or plain color?"

"Yes." Crimson replied. "We need to find them... they escaped."


Alabaster groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. His vision was blurry as he looked around the dark room. A room? No... the last place he saw was the forest so how did he get here? He looked over to his right and saw a bright opening. It appeared this was more like a cave than a room. His vision cleared as he looked at what he was laying on. It was a thin tarp laid on the floor. He didn't even realize the light blanket that was laid atop him. He began to remove it but felt something missing.

Where was his shirt?

He took off the blanket for a moment.

At least he still had his pants.

He stood up and rewrapped the blanket around his shoulders, a little wobbly on his feet but he could maintain his balance. He took a step before kicking something over. It was his boots with his socks inside. He was much more grateful as he sat back down to put them on before getting up again. This time he didn't waver at all as he walked towards the end of the cave where the bright sunlight drew his attention. Before he could take the last step out, someone walked in front of him.

Startled, he simply froze, not having the energy to scream or even move from that point. As he took a second look at them, he was reminded of the last image he saw before blacking out. It was a girl who was just a little taller than him and whose shape reminded him of Rose, his teacher. She had coiled hair just like her except she wasn't a Pink, she was a Multicolor. Orange with Purple spots scattered across her limbs. On her face, one spot surrounded her right eye with two conjoined spots on her left cheek.

Colors : The Spectrum of LightWhere stories live. Discover now