Chapter 12

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The rain was pouring now, the dirt drinking the water and slowly transforming into sludge. A mix between grass, twigs, leaves, and mud covered Alabaster's clothes as he hit the ground. Water in his eyes and soaked into his clothes, he sat up on the floor only to see Ink standing tall through the overgrown weeds.

"C'mon, we've only just started." He began, shifting back into a fighting stance. "Watch and learn."

With his arms extended, he stiffened his hands upward towards the sky and with that, the rain stopped around him, piling up on an invisible shield that protected him from the sky's tears. Slowly, he moved his arms in a flowing motion and the water followed, building up and getting to a larger and larger amount that spun around with him. Alabaster watched in awe as what he saw before him seemed like magic. Water moving in the air; moving against gravity. Like someone was holding it and guiding it on a path through the open space in which it kept its shape. He looked back to Ink. He was the guide. He acted as a path finder from the looks of it.

He watched in awe before watching Ink stop his movements, the water sustained in air and being held back almost as if Ink was drawing his arm back by the look of his stance. His eyes widened as he watched it come for him, shutting his eyes and just preparing to be splashed, however, that never came.

Alabaster opened his eyes as he felt his body be submerged in water. He glanced around him, being held in a bubble of water that slowly picked him up off of the ground. He frantically looked around when his feet were no longer on the ground and let out a strange squeak.

"What are you doing?" He asked, now a good distance away from the wet grass and sludge beneath him.

Ink held a smile on his face. "Relax, I won't drop you. I'm just showing you that not everything you learn has to be an attack or a defensive maneuver. Sometimes there's a happy medium between fighting and running and that is disarming or restraining. You can't get down on your own without falling, can you?"

Alabaster squirmed for a moment before realizing that he was in fact stuck.

Ink slowly let him down where he stood only a small distance from the ground before just letting him drop altogether. Alabaster fell and slipped, landing on his back in the mud, his face giving an annoyed look. He stared at the sky as the rain continued to fall on his face before a head clouded his view.

"You okay?" Bolt asked, looking at the other who just had an eyebrow raised. Bolt then turned to Ink. "Was that really necessary?"

Ink chuckled. "No, not really.." He said as he walked over into Alabaster's field of view as well. "Well are you just going to lay in the mud or do you want to splash around with me?"

As much as he was annoyed, he knew he could be cleaned, and if anything, he was rather impressed with Ink's actions.

Alabaster sighed, shutting his eyes before responding. "Splash around I guess."

Ink smirked. "Great." He quickly turned around and walked a few paces back. "Now show me whatcha got."

Bolt simply looked down at the other, giving him an understanding and sympathetic smile. The other just let out a bewildered chuckle before asking, "Is he always like this?"

"No..." Bolt replied, glancing at Ink who was patiently waiting for them. "He could've been meaner about it. You're lucky he's being playful right now."

"Oh, how lucky am I..." Alabaster replied, rolling his eyes.

Bolt snickered, before lending out a hand, which the other quickly took and was pulled up from the ground. Alabaster shivered, feeling his back run cold after the insulated mud was no longer present. Bolt simply giggled at the sight of his once-white shirt now being unrecognizably so while the one wearing the shirt simply groaned.

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